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In Path of Hurricane ? (off topic)

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I know this is off topic and I know there's already a thread about this on the Off Topic board .... but I don't have access to the Off Topic Board yet.

So I decided to go ahead and post here because I wanted everyone to know that if you are in the path of Irene... or you have family members in her path please know that you are all in my prayers !!!!!!


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Im in Jersey too recyclights...where are you at? South here...near commodore barry bridge, across from philly airport. My husband foolishly told me

to make sure I have candles...duh...and today he said...go to the store and get more toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and soap. Uhh...soap???? I make

soap idiot...I have PLENTY LOL. He's too funny. Toilet paper was high on his list ;) Some of the gas stations ran out of gas, supermarket here in town was out of stuff,

it's quite interesting. I had my stuff bought on Thursday LOL. I got the coleman stove ready, the coleman lantern, the percolator for the stove (gotta have my coffee) we were able to score a generator, got that thing set up and ready so that will keep the freezer and fridge in basement running if needed. We have a dry ice plant on our street...they were giving it away to residents, so we have a cooler of that outside on the deck. My H is a cop in town...so he's being forced to work sunday...so will be me and the dog and possibly my mother in law.

I like storms...I'm weird like that. It's like a cleansing or something. But the flooding I can do without. Hope everyone in the path remains safe!!!

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I'm in Rutherford NJ, it's not too far outside of NYC, right by Giants Stadium. I border on some flood zones and I have some friends in areas that have voluntary evacuations happening. They may be heading to our apartment if needed. We're all just hoping this thing looses it's strength before it gets this far north, but an impromptu Hurricane Evacuation Party at my place could be fun!

That is really funny about your husband's soap comment. We've been joking about a lack of candles around here all day!

We have a couple coolers with ice prepped and I have my french press coffee pot on stand by. Mother nature can go ahead soak my stuff, but she can not mess with my morning coffee!!

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I am in New Jersey too, and it is not looking so good right now. We are so prepared though and ready to ride it out. All of my relatives and many of my friends were evacuated. I have been through hurricanes before, so I have all the necessary stuff. Made a ton of ice over the past couple of days, have coolers, flashlights, a ton of water, canned stuff, snacks, candles, lighters, matches, radio, etc... Hope its not too bad and I am feeling positve.

A piece of advice... FILL UP YOUR WASHING MACHINE. It sounds silly, but the water sure comes in handy if the taps become contaminated. Your washing machine holds a lot of water. If your bath tub has a good plug, fill it up too.

Stay safe everyone! (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

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While you're waiting, be sure to clean up your house, do the dishes & laundry, etc. No telling when you will be able to do so if you lose power and it's really hard to find stuff when the lights are out! Having everything relatively neat is soooo helpful!! If you haven't done so already, mow your grass, too. It's gonna grow very quickly after all the rain and long grass holds the water longer...

Heard a great tip about filling zip-lok backs half full of water and cramming them into your freezer to take up every bit of space - will keep the refrigerator cold for much longer if the power fails. Also pays to put water-filled stuff in the refrigerator part, too, for the same reason.

Hang in there, all of y'all! My heart & prayers go with everyone in the path of Irene!

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What earthquakes happened in New Jersey? I have lived here for over 40 years and there has never been an earthquake. I have felt two after shocks come from quakes in the south.

Debbie, I have a very slow leak in my tub too. But I did fill up two of my bathroom sinks upstairs. You never know... I have more water than I know what to do with. LOL!

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Stella I cleaned my house LOL. Finished vacuuming this afternoon. All laundry is done, dishes are washed. I had to vacuum because our dog sheds and if we lose power for days at least i'll have gotten up some of it lol.

Noodle...didn't you feel the tremor from the quake that happened in virginia on Tuesday this past week? Girl....where you been??? It was a 5.8! LOL

So far right now its raining buckets...wind is picking up a bit...just gusts right now. Satellite still on with some loss for a minute then back on. I had hubby charge up

his walkie talkie radios...when he goes to work, hopefully I will be able to call him if needed. He works here in town...so the dang things may work if he's less than a mile from me.

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I felt that tremor the other day too. That was a bit freaky. I've lived in this area all my life and I have never experienced an earthquake before.

So far it's raining on and of here nothing too exciting yet. :waiting:

Stella, I like that idea about the ziplock bags! Thanks.

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Noodle...didn't you feel the tremor from the quake that happened in virginia on Tuesday this past week? Girl....where you been??? It was a 5.8! LOL

Yes, I very much felt the quake from Virginia. It is only the second time that I have felt anything from an earthquake in over 40 years of living in New Jersey. I was just responding to the poster who said that hurricanes and earthquakes were two more reasons to leave NJ. I meant that we do not have earthquakes here. And as for hurricanes, the south-east is where the greatest threat is.

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