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Eco Soya PB

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I finally got around to pouring a couple of testers today.

I poured CandleScience honeysuckle jasmine @ 8% using a cd 4 and a cd 5.

Also, I poured Candlewic Ginger & Amber with the same % and same wicks.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this wax since taylored concepts went out of business. I've tried 4794 for votives and don't like it.

What I REALLY miss is my OK 6228. I loved that wax.

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Sharon-- you can still get K6228 wax at Tri-State Candle Supply. Or look for it at other suppliers as IGI 4750A. It was my first pillar wax and I am still hoarding some to test out new pillar techniques from time to time.

Or maybe you just miss the wax because you intended to switch to soy? In that case, never mind.

BTW-- I found making pillars with Ecosoya PB just didn't work for me. It has a great hot throw but is a stinker to wick. Mine always tunnel. It does make great smelling votives and tarts thou.

Edited by Candybee
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Yes, I found the 6228 @ tristate, but it's 132.00 a case??? Then I would have to pay for shipping also. I can't pay that. Taylored had a votive wax that was great, but he closed. So, I am trying the PB for votives. I can get that locally and it's already got a good price tag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm burning the ginger & amber now. Can't smell a thing and it's not burning well at all. I'm burning the cd 5. Guess I'll bump up the wick size.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm assuming I will not have to go over 8% with this wax.

I've always gotten great results with my paraffin votives. One votive would scent my bedroom. That's what I am hoping for with this wax.

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ginger & amber

I found that particular fragrance takes a longer cure time than others, but it is not a "strong" fragrance to begin with. Some scents are lighter or more subtle than others - all FOs will not run you out of the room! If you want a more powerful fragrance, try their ginger & frankincense. I use 1 oz. PP in all of my candles, regardless. If it takes more than that, I find another fragrance oil to try or another supplier for the same scent. The CD 5 is too small in a standard votive made with PB, as I mentioned above. Try a 6 or 7. PB is tough to burn and requires a larger wick than other soy waxes of the same size (ie. same amount of C3 poured in a votive container).

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I've been using the Eco Soya PB for my 2" and 3" pillars. The cotton wick I'm using was good for 2" to 3" candles. Works good for the 2" but tunnels the 3" so I just had to bump up my wick size to 3" to 4" candles. Now I'm going to be testing it to see if its the right size. I have several poured and will be pulling out the small wicks and snaking the new size in them to test.

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I have several poured and will be pulling out the small wicks and snaking the new size in them to test.

This is a good "short cut" to testing pillars if one has leveled the new burn surface and, of course, used wick pins. I hope the bigger wick works perfectly for you.

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I hate to waste a good test candle. I cut the candle flat with the wick still in using a heated up saw blade and a tourch. I then use the old wick to pull the new one through. I attach the old wick to the new one with a needle and thread end to end. I then pull the one out and snake the new wick in. You just have to be careful not to pull too fast or you can break the thread. If you break the thread you just use the needle and thread and see of you can thread the needle all the way through the candle and use the thread to pull the wick through. It seem like a lot but it works....lol

Edited by Abigtroutt
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