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How have your Markets and shows been?

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I have had great markets for the past 4 weeks! :yay: Each week I have been doing at least 25% percent over last year. I was a little concerned with the economy the way it is that things were not going to be very good at them. I think people into buying local and will spend a little extra too spoil themselves.

The best sellers have been varied each week but mostly selling soaps with a fruit scent to them or a very summery fragrance. Body powders and body sprays are doing very well but scrubs which usually are a good seller are slow. I hope you have had some great weeks at yours!

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Every year my sales have been better than the year before. Last year was my best year ever.

But this year its different. People are really tight with their money. I see more looking and less spending. The Farmers Market this year has been the worst season ever.

I can't wait for fall season to start. I always do well in the fall and hope to outdo my sales from last year. At this point I will have to wait out the year before I can compare this years sales to last years.

Its also been a tough year as far as buying in bulk. My work hours were cut back, wax, jars, FOs have all gone up and shipping is mind boggling these days. I just can't buy in bulk like I did last year. So thats been a set back for this year on top of the slower sales.

Glad that you are doing better. Good to hear someone is doing well.

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Seconding Candybee on this one. We're seeing a serious decrease in sales. I have quite a few wholesale accounts and have cleared less than $500 this month. All the shops are very slow, it makes me start wondering if there are people just holding it until this government BS cools down or if it's worse and going to be a long term thing.

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