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C-3 = Excellent

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I just got done testing my C-3 wax in the small square mason jar using a CD 12 and I also tested the CDN 12 - I think the CDN is the winner. The CD one started out a little shaky after about an hour of burning the pool was only 1/2" around the wick the CDN had a great melt pool and also a great scent. I purchase my fo from Candle Cacoon - apple spice. Now if I were to test a taller mason jar, but the same diameter would I have to go up in a size or can I keep the same size? Does anyone know where you can purchase CDN wicks? I noticed not too many companies carry them.

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If you only tested the CD/CDN 12 and no other size, you don't really know if you have a winner or not! First try a CD & CDN 10 in that container. You didn't mention if the CDN 12 yielded a FMP during the first test... Because the ONLY difference between a CD & a CDN is the anti-oxidation wick treatment applied to the CDN, I find it hard to believe you had such different results from the two wicks. I usually find the sizing between CDs & CDNs very similar... I'd sure continue testing the CD 12. You can't tell much of anything on a first test... you have to burn the candle all the way to the end to see how it performs during the last half of the candle. Many wicks that *seem* good at first, turn out to be losers toward the end.

I'm assuming you are testing for 1 hour per inch of interior container diameter...

You did not mention the hot throw...

Candle Cocoon & Southwest are the only suppliers of CDNs of which I am aware. Obviously, the distributors (WickIt, WIcks Unlimited) have them, but you have to order several thousand at a time.

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Hi Crazzie,

Stella has always been right on the money for me with suggestions she offers. I've never used any wicks but the htp and I'm going to get some cdns and try them out as Stella suggests. I also use c-3 wax and have never ever been able to double wick a jar, period...so frustrating. I've tried so many wicks but the cdns so maybe I can perfect some jars that I've wanted to use but can't.

I can tell you this. I use pretty much all the canning jars out there. For the 8oz square mason jar which is a great seller for me, 1 htp 105 is what I use. The 16oz taller square mason I still use the 105. I don't have to wick up. I've tried the htp 104 but being these jars having the square corners, it's a toughy at times but the htp 104 just couldn't cut it. I also get a full melt pool on the first burn also.

The round 16oz canning jar, now with that jar, I use 1 htp 126.

I know you didn't ask about the htp wicks, but thought I would tell you what works for me.

I'm very curious to find out when you wick that jar in the cdn, what you came up with.


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Did you trim both wicks to 1/4" at the beginning of the burn? Actually, I am liking the burn on the CD 12 better than the CDN. It is NOT correct for the wick to be hitting anywhere near FMP after only an hour!!

I also see that there is a draft in the CDN photo...

It is wise to correct the lopsided burn. Straighten up those wicks at the end of the test period so they will be correctly positioned for the next burn test! Keeping the heat from the flame centered is part of it. Both CDs & CDNs have a lopsided burn because of the way they are made. I twist my wicks slightly to compensate for this. If the wick becomes off-centered in one of my testers, I poke the base of the wick in the direction it is not burning well to center the heat better. It also helps to turn the container a quarter turn every so often to keep the burn even.

Before someone points out that customers will not do all this stuff to get a perfect burn, remember: we're wick testing here. Once one gets a better idea of which size/type of wick to use, THEN one can do a powerburn test to see how it might perform in the hands of a neglectful customer.

Keep on testing and posting pics... It'll be interesting to see how things go.

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