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My first soy candles.

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post-13642-13945848371_thumb.jpgThe tops kind of turned a weird color the yellow one turned out great though. It only frosted up on top after i used the blow dryer to heat the tops to fix cracks.

post-13642-139458483721_thumb.jpgThese are the out sides.

post-13642-139458483728_thumb.jpgThe tops. I'm in the process of getting a real heat gun.

The blue one is patchouli & sandalwood.

The yellow one is honeysuckle & vanilla.

The pink one is linen & gardenia.

The white one is gardenia.

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For your first soy candles, I think those look great! Some folks who've been making soy candles for a lot longer only wish their candles looked that good!! The small amount of frosting I see on the top is truly negligible and soon you'll learn how to avoid it.

Keep up the good work! Let them cure for at least 4-5 days for the best throw, especially the patch & sandalwood. Let that one sit up for a week!

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my wick burned beautifully with a very nice melt pool
Yes, but that's not the final word on finding a successful wick. You need to weigh your candles before and after the test burns (1 hour per inch of candle diameter) to determine the hourly rate of consumption. A wick can burn nicely with a nice melt pool, but that doesn't mean it will heat the MP enough for a good hot throw. It also may be TOO hot and burning off the FO. A soy candle really shouldn't make FMP on the first burn, sometimes two. If they start out with a FMP, the container may likely become too hot as the candle burns down further into the container. Read up about testing and how soy wax burns for more complete information.

Keep in mind that there is a condition called candle nose where because you have been working wiht a scent, your nose begins ignoring it. Someone else from outside your home might smell a scent quite strongly but since you are inured to it, you smell little of it. There's a good discussion about how our sense of smell works located in the archives http://www.candletech.com/general-information/comparing-scent-throw/ HTH

Edited by Stella1952
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Thanks for the advice. I was wondering why my boyfriend could smell my Gardenia candle and i couldn't. I'm im the process of getting a scale. I have to order it online we have no candle supply stores in Waco. Well there not really much of anything in Waco, But oh well. I'll manage. lol.

When i was test burning my melt pool melted the way it was suppost to but i have very little hot throw.

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Also again, I think if your boyfriend could smell it and you couldn't, then you need to walk away, outside, sniff some coffee grounds or crushed beans, that sort of cleanses the sinus from the fragrance,...then go back inside again. I also have found there are some scents on some days I never can ever smell!! It sounds crazy but true. My daughter states that they are really strong but I put the bottle up to my nose and nothing!! I have several FO's for soy that take about 2 weeks to fully develop. When they do you understand why it was worth letting them sit.

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