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How does Mill Creek's grass compare to others


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So I'd gotten some of the Mill Creek Fresh Cut Grass from the classies & I've been happy with it. I've almost used it all up in blends.

That said I haven't actually ordered anything from Mill Creek. I'm not opposed to getting a new supplier per say, I just don't see alot of things that I'm overly interested in on thier site & would rather not be ordering just because of the one FO -- especially because there seems to be alot of true grass scents out there.

That said, I wouldn't want to grab anything too different. Peak's Tall Grass sounds phenominal, but I'm not sure if those danilion notew would be too much of a difference.

So people who have sniffed a few -- Opinions?

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I got Peaks in an order for a free sample - liked OOB so I did a wave candle with it - the test burn had great throw and everyone that came in that day liked the scent. I'm going to order some on next order and see if it sells!

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The only Fresh Cut Grass I've tried is Lone Star's. It smells pretty much only like dandelions. It threw okay (for me), but I was looking for more of a grassy scent. This could be your scent if you're looking for a really strong dandelion note.

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