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Does anyone make these and want an order?

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I have been contacted by customer wanting a unity candle. I don't make them and he asked if I knew of anyone. I don't off hand but said I am a member of a candle group and would ask to see if anyone else did. Here is the details of what he is wanting:

He wants a white unity canlde about 9 inches high about 4-5 inches in diameter and he wants his son's wedding invitation put on the side of it or inside the candle so that when it's lit the wax drips around the invitation. I haven't ever heard of that but he is wanting it done. Because I don't do these types of candles I don't even know if it can be done.

If anyone can do this (and it can be done safely), let me know and I will get you into contact with him. He needs it by the end of July though. He said the maker doesn't have to be from TX he just has to have it by the end of July. I told him I would try to let him know something by tomorrow or early Thursday.


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I've been working on these type of candles, but haven't gotten it perfected. I'm not comfortable enough to say I'd take the order to have it there by the end of July. There are a couple of wedding candle places though that might take it, but I'm not sure what their lead time is.

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Fascinating. I'm in the same boat as Janet. Been making some good wedding candles but not at the level where I am comfortable with dripless and good carving yet. Tons of folks on the internet that do these.

Look up candlefun website.

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Thanks for the replies. I phoned him and told him that as he knew I couldn't help him and I had asked a few others and that no one felt comfortable making one and/or they wouldn't be able to have it by the end of July. Previously I had explained the reason why I don't make them was because I don't feel comfortable doing so and i don't do many pillar type candles. (they just don't sell for me). I thanked him for contacting us and told him I regret not being able to help him but if he needed anything in the future don't hesitate to call and see if I can help him.

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