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Ingredient question


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Some of Candybee's MP recipes call for different kinds of oil, like castor and olive. Are these the same oils I can get at the grocery store? And what about liquid soap?

Dumb question I know but I want to be sure I got the right stuff before making a batch of soap and it's not what I need.


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Yup, those oils will work. I used to get both the Castor and Olive Oils at Walmart. In some stores with specialty oil sections you can find the Sunflower, Safflower, Sesame, Avocado oils etc. I bought mine from there so I could test and see what oils I liked best then ordered from one of the suppliers.

For the liquid soap, Dr. Bronners is what seems to be recommended. I get the baby version because there is no fragrance. But any non-fragranced liquid soap would probably work.

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Don't know if you seen some of the other threads, but once you know what you like, Camden Grey is a great place to order oils. They have a wide variety, you can buy smaller quantities and shipping isn't too bad. Although I use oil from the grocery store as well, you have no idea how long it may have been in a warehouse. Not sure if it's much different than at the supplier but I guess I get the warm fuzzies knowing for sure that it's designed for cosmetic use. If I remember correctly from other threads, which we can't find right now, the oils from the store are food grade so are a higher quality than the cosmetic grade since it's used for cooking. So, probably just my own phobia! :cheesy2: The best price for bulk sizes is at Soapers Choice. Not sure how shipping is though. I'm not at that point to use that much oil yet.

Btw, Candybee's and Prarie Annie's recipes are great. I made her Herbal Bamboo soap. I only had Asian Amber and no Bamboo, so I used Peaks Mountain Honey instead. Turned out wonderful and the tea leaves give a nice, light exfoliation. You are going to have a blast.

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Yup, those oils will work. I used to get both the Castor and Olive Oils at Walmart. In some stores with specialty oil sections you can find the Sunflower, Safflower, Sesame, Avocado oils etc. I bought mine from there so I could test and see what oils I liked best then ordered from one of the suppliers.

For the liquid soap, Dr. Bronners is what seems to be recommended. I get the baby version because there is no fragrance. But any non-fragranced liquid soap would probably work.

Can you use the Dr. Bronners if you sell the soap and if so, how would you list that in the ingredients?

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What I have been doing in the main part of the ingredients, I'll list Glycerine Base, Ingredient A, Ingredient B, Liquid Castille Soap, etc. Then I have another list of the ingredients in the glycerine base and another for the liquid castille. I've created a little hand-out that I give to people if they want. That way I can also list any allergy warnings. I have the info, in teeny tiny letters, on the label, but who can read that. I'm probably doing way too much but would rather people be informed.

I saw a liquid Castille from a supplier, can't remember which one, Brambleberry, Chemistry Store... anyway, they have a liquid Castile that only has like 4 ingredients. I'm wanting to get a bottle of that and try. If it works, would be easier to list those ingredients rather than breaking them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the information on labeling. I was wondering about that. My list of ingredients is pretty small on the labels I am creating, as well. An explanation sheet my be the answer. What warning labels are standard for M&P soap?

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You don't need to put a warning on soap label. Just list all the ingredients so customers that have allergies can see if there is anything in your soap they can't use. Some people are allergic to coconuts so they can't use a base with coconut oil it. I had a customer this weekend that wanted my soap but was alergic to glycerin of all things. Makes her break out in a painful rash so she had to pass.

There is no law that says you need to list a soap's ingredients. I just think its a wise thing to do as I have found out there are many people that have allergies to some of the ingredients. I'd rather not risk having a customer get sick using my soap.

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Candybee, that is my concern as well. Since I'm pretty new to selling, I don't want to take a chance on their being some ingredient that someone has an allergy to. I can't read the ingredient list on my label it's so darn small, so that is why I'm doing the handout. My warning just consists of stating that I use nut oils and shea and to discontinue use if they breakout.

Glycerin is kind of an odd allergy. One of my friends has the same type of reaction to mineral oil. You just never know.

Thanks for the info on the warning label and ingredient list. Wasn't 100% sure what the law stated. But like you said, better safe than sorry and have an upset customer.

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Need a little help.

I have a FO from NG called Cucumber Mint. I smell peppermint but cucumber is the primary scent that comes through. I was wondering if anyone could give me suggestions on what to add to it. Can I add cucumber to soap? LOL I have dried peppermint that I could add but I'd like to do something different with this one. Any kind of flavor herbal tea that would be a good combination with cucumber?


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