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Can Melt & Pour Go Bad?


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I have tried searching everywhere on here and the internet for this specific question. So can a batch of M&P that you have scented, poured, molded, and cut ever go bad? Does it have an expiration date? I have a few batches that are about 6 months old. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!:-)

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I have never had MP go bad. I have had some for a couple of years too. In fact, last week I was cleaning out one of my supply areas, when I stumbled onto two bars of chamomile soap that was at least 5 years old. The bars had become stuck on a strange angle far back in a cabinet. I opened one and it no longer had any scent. The bar had shrunk, but there was nothing rancid at all about it. I washed my hands and threw it out. I kept the other bar just for memory reasons. LOL!

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I live in the desert where it is extremely dry. If I don't shrinkwrap, after several months, they become as hard as a rock and curl...still useable if you don't want to waste them, but certainly something you never would sell, or even want someone visiting to see!:laugh2:I have one bar here that I keep as a test(long test!) I've had it for 8 years!!! It's multi colored and scented, in shrinkwrap. It's still fine and still smells great.:tiptoe:

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Same here. I purposely save a bar or two randomly to put away in my linen closet. M&P doesn't go bad. I don't know of any soap that goes bad. Soap just dries out. The moisture keeps continuously drying out but it also makes a harder more cured soap thats awesome the older it gets.

I have been given some blocks of old M&P someone didn't want anymore. Don't know how old they were but when I tried making soap with them the top would produce a thick skin almost immediately after it was melted. I added some oils and butters to it to give it some moisture but no water. I don't recommend using old M&P if you want to make soap to sell thou. Use fresh blocks. But you can use the old stuff for yourself. Its perfectly good as soap.

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