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Cloudy FO?


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I am new to this whole candle/soap making thing and I've spent the past 5 months online researching every day before I even ordered anything, but I do have a question. I ordered 24 different FOs and only 1 of them was "cloudy" looking in the bottle- WSP's Pink sugar...is this normal or does this mean something is wrong with it? I'm nervous to even try it out before I get some feedback because I don't want to ruin perfectly good soap with it! Thanks for any feedback :yay:

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Does it look kinda milky? I've only had 2 that did that and I sent the supplier an email inquiring about it. I'll have to go back to see what the actual response was. I'll post back after I find it.

ETA: here's their response from the email I just cut and pasted their response.

No, this is completely normal for this fragrance, usually the shipping department will put a note on your packing slip to tell you this, sorry they missed it. When Jack Frost gets cold it begins to solidify. It has a very high concentration of vanilla and will get a slushy appearance when dropping below room temperature. This is normal and it will not hurt the fragrance. You can either use it in the slushy state and add to your warm wax, where it will instantly "dissolve", or you can warm it gently in a hot water bath, taking it out and shaking periodically until it is all back to liquid state. It won't harm it and this is normal. It freaked us out too when it first came in :). The manufacturer assured us this was a normal state for it. Our warehouse stays at about 58 degrees (fragrances need to stay cool or they can go rancid) and right now in MT it is running close to freezing. We warmed it to pour it, but I am sure sitting in the UPS or US Mail warehouse getting ready to ship probably cooled it down sufficiently.

I have used both of these that are milky looking with no problems, however I don't do soap.

If you're still unsure contact WSP to see what they say.

Edited by pleasureridgecandles
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wsp puts expiration dates on the fo bottles they sell.

Check the date on the side of your bottle.... or it could be that it's got alot of vanilla content and maybe with some vanillas that can happen....not really sure.

I got a Sugar cookie fo(alot of vanilla) from them a few months back that had crystals in it and was slightly cloudy but the oil was fine. I warmed it up a bit and it cleared right up.....hth

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