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UV Inhibitor & Aroma Beads


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Hello all,

I was wondering if you can use UV Inhibitor in aroma beads? I have a couple of colors (PINK) that fade rather quickly & was thinking if I used it while mixing the beads, if it would have the (hopefully) same affect with the beads as it does with the candles. Have any of you tried this or if this won't work, what do you all use to prevent rapid fading? I know some colors will fade, I live in the South, so everything fades around here, but not THAT fast. LOL......

Thanks so much for your help!!


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I have made aroma bead air fresheners for years ....and have fading issues. I DO use UV Inhibitor when making the beads and it has significantly decreased the fading to almost non existent.

The UV inhibitor I use is in powder form. Is there a different kind or how do you use it????

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Thanks for the replies everyone!!

Yes, I've had fading, mostly in the pink. It is kinda cool when it fades, almost like a tie-dye effect, but if someone buys a pink ornie, it should stay pink......I use the powder inhibitor as well, is that what you use?

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