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Essential Wholesale's Honey Body Lotion


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While searching for a good lotion base that contains the LEAST amount of chemicals, I came across Essential Wholesale's "All Natural Honey Body Lotion"


Has anyone used it yet? If so, what did you think about it?

What about their Goat Milk Lotion?

What about their Hemp Lotion?

What about their Jojoba Lotion?

What about their Massage Body Lotion?

and any other lotions they have :D

Thanks! :)

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Oh my god that is expensive!!! If you want an all natural lotion- why not try making your own? I believe there's a few recipes for lotion in the B&B recipe section- and there's a few on The Sage's website I think. A lot of people on here make their own lotion- and although it may take a while to perfect the recipe, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing exactly what's going into it :cheesy2:

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Oh my god that is expensive!!! If you want an all natural lotion- why not try making your own? I believe there's a few recipes for lotion in the B&B recipe section- and there's a few on The Sage's website I think. A lot of people on here make their own lotion- and although it may take a while to perfect the recipe, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing exactly what's going into it :cheesy2:

Thanks! I didn't even look a the prices, lol.

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I REALLY like that they are using all natural ingredients in the Honey lotion. I have been searching for a lotion that has the least, if any, chemicals/extras, etc. I have got to try them out just to see. Their Goat Milk lotion seems to use only "a bit" of the paraben preservative, which makes me feel a little better.

Essentials by Catalina has a lotion that seems to be natural-like with the exception of their "parabens" preservative. This was going to be my second choice. I'm just ansy about the parabens preservatives and the effects it has on the body.

I do realize that most comercial body products, facial cleansers, shampoos, etc. have parabens in them. But I am trying not to get too paranoid about it; it's just that I've read more negative things about it than positive.

Does anyone have any input on this?

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I do not use any preservatives in my products unless I have to. IMO- if you are selling products like lotion it is important to use a preservative. I share the same opinion that you do about paraben that is why I currently do not sell lotion. I am still researching...... If, when, I do sell lotion (I have a lot of people asking) I will choose to use a preservative.

Paraben is in almost every lotion base that I have seen.

If you are unsure about this issue you should do some research on what happens to people when they use lotions, creams, etc. that have bacteria in it. Sometimes it can grow with no visuable signs..... that way you are fully informed.

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Yes, I have been reading here and there about prabens and other preservatives. These seem to be the most common even in my current household products, which has increased my concern. Below is an email I sent to a company that uses parabens in their lotions, just to see what they would say.



...I feel uneasy about the "parabens" used in the lotion. I understand parabens are used as a preservative, but I've read that they also have health risks associated to them, including breast cancer and more dominant side effects to those who suffer from asthma, etc.

Is there information that you can provide me about the parabens preservatives you use in your lotion? Information would be greatly appreciated.



The parabens we use in our formulations are used in trace amount. When we challenge test our formulations we use only enough to preserve the base for 2 years. We have also found that the are the only preservatives that produce a safe base, I think that is why almost 100 % of all commercially available products use parabens to insure product stability. In fact, most insurance companies will not provide product insurance unless it is preserved correctly. We found that most of the natural methods of preserving bases produce a base that is unstable with the risks outweighing the benefits. Both of the preservatives we use are not synthetically formulated as many believe, they are both derived from natural sources and considered to be amongst the gentlest preservatives.

Methyl Paraben is a fine, white methyl-compound (containing no alcohol) which is extracted from blueberries.

Propyl paraben is derived from the cherry bark, raspberries, tea, anise and cassia bark.

Propyl Paraben and methyl paraben are neutral, nontoxic, safe to use, nonirritating, nonsensitizing and nonpoisonous. It is one of the most commonly used preservatives in cosmetics since it is stable in most pH levels, broad spectrum and water-soluble.


What do you think? :)

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I've never had 'problems' with parabens - but many people do. And many of those don't know why they do, they just hear they are 'bad'. You have to keep digging into the scientific literature to see if there's anything "real" out there as far as bad effects.

I'd much rather have parabens that are used at less than 1% of a lotion than any nasties that might be crawling around in a lotion because they used something "more natural" that might not be effective. Though the more innocuous the preservative, the better.

I'm on the fence. Lotions scare me too, I'm not comfortable with them at all. But that's just me, I'm paranoid. I've stopped selling any bases. Can't make up my mind - do I trust others to not contaminate batches, or do I trust myself to make lotion in a clean environment and get each batch tested...

One of these days...

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I agree...I guess I will just try Essential Wholesale's all natural lotion just for me, but I won't sell lotions. I will revert back to candlemaking, sopamaking, lip balms, and the other stuff.

Are lotions the only B&B product that requires a preservative? What other B&B prodcuts need this?

Thank you all for your input...it's great to learn new things and to read your opinions! :D

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