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Tennessee Candle Supply


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I finally got hold of someone. I asked if their website was down and she said she didn't know. I told her I kept getting a weird message..she said then it must be down that they've been having trouble with it.

They've been one of my main suppliers for years and I can't believe they didn't know their website was gone! Has me a bit worried. And my best selling FO comes from them!!!:(

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I was finally able to get into it last night.

When I spoke with someone yesterday I asked if I could place an order over the phone, then when I told her what I wanted she said that it was out of stock and they were hoping to have it back in stock next week. But on the website it's not showing as out of stock.

I find this so sad because they have always been one of my fave suppliers and I have used them for years.

Sliver...you're right about the emails. I sent an email Saturday and they still haven't responded....Brent has always responded quickly in the past.

I may want to re-think using them also.

Will have to see if I can find replacements for the FO's I use from them...not looking forward to that!!!


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Whoever that chick is that Brent has working there needs to be FIRED! Nobody responds to emails anymore.

Tennessee used to be my main supplier. I've pretty much washed my hands of them.

Same here ... no response to emails. I phoned them (international call for me) and the woman on the phone was clueless and did not email me the answer to my query as she promised. Terrible customer service!

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Like you guys, I've always really liked them. I needed some FOs from them back before Christmas that were out of stock. I called to ask them a question and they said Brent had been sick and they got behind. Don't know if that's what's still going on or not.

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The suppliers are having a hard time to. The money is not there like it used to be. It is much harder to keep stuff in stock. Their creditors are on their butt too. They have to cut back on help. That is why you get crummy service. I am seeing this with several good suppliers. Just bare with them. I have the same problems with my company. It is much harder to keep everything going now. This economy is really messing with a lot of us. Everyone makes mistakes. Give them a break. And hope when you get in a bind, someone will give you a break too. I don't mean to complain. I just wanted you to understand what might be happening. We are all in this together. We got to give a little and hope others will give a little too. Like out bill collectors. :smiley2:

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The suppliers are having a hard time to. The money is not there like it used to be. It is much harder to keep stuff in stock. Their creditors are on their butt too. They have to cut back on help. That is why you get crummy service. I am seeing this with several good suppliers. Just bare with them. I have the same problems with my company. It is much harder to keep everything going now. This economy is really messing with a lot of us. Everyone makes mistakes. Give them a break. And hope when you get in a bind, someone will give you a break too. I don't mean to complain. I just wanted you to understand what might be happening. We are all in this together. We got to give a little and hope others will give a little too. Like out bill collectors. :smiley2:

Debra I understand what you are saying ... the global economy is making it difficult for a lot of people. Here is Australia we are faced by similar challenges.

I would just like to point out though that I believe it is times like this that companies NEED to keep up and even improve their customer service skills as they need to keep their customers in order to stay afloat. If we move on to other companies because the service we are getting is below standard we are not likely to return. I don't mean suppliers not having everything in stock when you need it ... I understand those sort of business challenges. I am referring to my issues with TCS here ... lack of communication, promised emails not being forthcoming, staff being totally clueless when you get to talk to someone (not knowing how to calculate postage for example). These are basic customer service skills which should be kept up to par.

I guess what I am saying is if I have money I am prepared to spend with a company and they show no interest in taking it then I have to wonder what they are even doing in business in the first place.

I just hope the economy improves for everyone worldwide soon ... we are living in very challenging times.

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I agree with you. You are right. I need to think about that with my company too. Instead of getting caught up with all this economy stuff. I need to find ways to treat the customer better than ever these days. Thanks for your words of wisdom. I will still keep Kentucky though. I won't throw them away unless it continues for awhile. And I will call and speak to them first before I move on. So far, I am getting good service. This last order was one day later than most. But they are prompt. So far they answer my emails. So I have no complaints here. :smiley2:

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I also had problems with TN recently. I understand about hard times, but if you are online, then 1) check your messages and 2) RESPOND!! I had to send emails and phone calls as I had already paid for an order and heard nothing, received nothing, yada yada. Finally someone replied via phone.

I do like their oils and will give them another chance. Hopefully they can get the website thing together.

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I have always received great CS from Tennessee. Last order was Sept/Oct 2010. I was using the Clarus 70/30 wax from their site, and all fragrance oils I have ordered from TCS have performed well in that wax. I do blend some 464, or KY 125 in with the 70/30. I am almost out of the 70/30, and I did try the 464/4630 blend that some have recommended on this board with very good results. Now, with the reports of poor CS from TCS, I am glad that I did experiment with a wax blend. I hesitated to do this, because I was so happy with the 70/30, and TCS. This is an extremely unfortunate situation, and I hope that Brent can remedy this, and return TCS to the high standards that I have experienced in the past.

Edited by smallwhitedogs
wrong year!
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That's what makes it so troublesome. His customer service was unequaled, as were his oils.

I wonder if it would be advantageous for him to post a message on his site, explaining what's going on. I certainly wish him all the best. His health hasn't been good for several years. I do think his customers have the right to know what to expect. The gal he has working there now is hurting him even further. At this point, I would be afraid to order for fear my money would disappear into a black hole and I would never be able to get a response to inquiries as to where my money and/or oils were.

I sure do miss the good old days.

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