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FO Turning 464 Yellow

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Has anyone experienced a problem with CS Cedarwood Vanilla causing yellow areas after curing in 464? (I don't use dye.) This is the only fo I'm seeing do this--I'm using 9% load. I'm getting odd yellowish areas either down one side or at the top. I'm guessing I have too much oil, but it doesn't happen every time, so....:confused: I have noticed it happens more if the candles are exposed to warmer temps after curing.

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I don't mind after burning either--this is happening while they're just sitting there on the shelf and haven't been burned yet. I also just heard from one of my wholesale customers that one of the CS Lavender Vanilla candles has also turned yellow....but only one of the six she has on the same shelf in her shop. They're all from the same batch! Why would one turn and not the other? Same with the Cedarwood Vanilla...it happens randomly. :mad:

Edited by Catlover
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I bet those are the bottom of your pour pot. If you stir throughout the pour then it may be that the fo is really heavy and will collect as soon as you stop stirring. I had an fo that collected on the top and bottom and almost always the end of the pot was the culprit. HTH


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Do you use UV inhibitor?

Some fragrance oils can change the color of candles. Sometimes White cake candles that are left white will turn pink. Don't ask me why but sometimes they do. I haven't actually had it happen to me but a customer did.

I have had some candles turn yellow and what I figure is it is the vanilla in the oils. Maybe this could be what is happening with yours.

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... or, knowing that this particular FO causes a color change, dye the candle yellow, orange, brown, etc. :D

I use UV protector in all of my candles regardless of whether they are dyed. It wll not prevent the FO from changing the color, but it will help keep undyed wax from looking like old shortening and dyed candles from fading as quickly...

I'm getting odd yellowish areas either down one side or at the top

This makes me think that the FO was not distributed well into the wax. When I have experienced color changes of the wax by certain FOs, it is evenly distributed throughout the wax. Once or twice, I have noted a color change in the meltpool from certain FOs.

Ya know - a photo would really help... ;)

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Has anyone experienced a problem with CS Cedarwood Vanilla causing yellow areas after curing in 464? (I don't use dye.) This is the only fo I'm seeing do this--I'm using 9% load. I'm getting odd yellowish areas either down one side or at the top. I'm guessing I have too much oil, but it doesn't happen every time, so....:confused: I have noticed it happens more if the candles are exposed to warmer temps after curing.

Same thing has happened to me I use 464 and the same FO and yes UV and they do turn yellow in areas. I mix my Fo in good too, so I don't think that is the problem. It is just a quirk I think. I also use magnolia from Peak and when I burn only the melt pool turns a greenish color when it resolidifies, I love that FO and I don't mind it a bit it looks kinda cool. HTH

Stella I'll take a pic I bet hers looks just like mine.

Edited by soy327
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I think the unevenness is from frosting. That may also be the reason it disappeared. I have some oils that do this consistently. Blueberry Cobbler from CS turns my C3 almost bright yellow. Its so yellow it looks like dye. My oils are well mixed.

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I think the unevenness is from frosting.

I concur. I have seen this kind of frosting many times with certain FOs. However, frosting does not turn the color yellow; rather it turns yellow (or other colored) areas white. In the case of FOs that discolor the wax, when this type of frosting occurs, it happens in streaks rather than spots.

Personally, I would find another FO to use if this issue bothered me. There are few FOs that I suffer that cause major frosting. I have made a couple of exceptions because the FOs were so wonderful, but in general, I try to find another source for the scent. If I cannot, I simply don't use it.

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Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this crazy issue. I also mix my fo's in very well, both initially and during pouring with larger batches--I can't imagine that causing the problem with just random candles when the others are fine. Maybe that "bottom of the pot" theory is it. ?

Here are pics: the first one is the one I just made a week or so ago. That one side is yellow, the rest is fine. The other candles in this scent that I made at the same time are also nice & creamy. This one was at the front of the shelf, and somewhat near a heat source, so I'm wondering if that was the problem? The second picture is a candle I have left from an outdoor fall craft fair that turned very warm--all the candles I had in Cedarwood Vanilla (no other fo's) got these yellow strips at the edge across the top. Both instances involve heat, but not direct sunlight. Hm...

Definitely the vanilla-based fo's are the ones that cause grief, but people love them so what are you gonna do? :smiley2:



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Yep! that looks familiar. I had a couple friends that said it looked cool :laugh2:so I'm not gonna worry about it. I made a beige marbled for one of them it did come out kinda cool looking and it matches her decor so what the heck.:yay: That's what she wanted.

Edited by soy327
Bad spelling LOL
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