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creating a soy and paraffin blend

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Can't seem to find any info on creating a soy and paraffin blend. Thought I wanted to use all soy as a cleaner burning candle, but now I'm more interested in having a better scent throw and lessening some of the troubles of soy wax. And I would like better coloring for my candles. Don't need to know what waxes to use, but more of what goes into creating a blend. Do I use pure soy and paraffin or is it okay to use wax that contains additives already? Any other tips on how to come up with a blend that works is helpful. Thanks.

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It is ok to use waxes that already contain additives. If you are looking for a parasoy, lots of people like IGI 6006, which is readily available at most suppliers. There are others, but I am most familiar with the 6006. As far as blending, it depends on what characteristics you are looking for. Just compare some soys and paraffins and pick the ones that have the characteristics you want. For example, I blended IGI4630 and Ecosoya PB for a test with tarts, added the 4630 for its ability to hold a higher fragrance load and better coloration. So pick ones that are compatible with whatever you are trying to do, and just start adding different percentages until you get one that works for you. It is probably best to use waxes that already have additives, then you don't have to worry about messing with that also.



Edited by Wessex
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There are parasoy waxes already blended for you and several suppliers carry these.

Personally I would not recommend you start blending waxes until you can first make a good candle with soy. Same goes for paraffin. I didn't start blending until I have experienced working with both and was satisfied with my candles. Only then did I start experimenting with blending my own parasoy. I worked with paraffin for a couple years then switched to soy. Took me a couple of years to get a good soy container candle and another year or more to get just the right parasoy blend that I was satisfied with. But then my plan was to market and sell them and I wanted only the best.

Soy can be a very trying wax to work with but you can make an excellent candle that throws well with it. It takes a lot of testing and some time invested in it. If you are going to mix it with paraffin you better know both waxes inside and out so you have some idea of what to expect.

Not trying to discourage you in trying. I love my parasoy blend and glad I eventually went ahead and tried it out. Now I am working with palm wax candles and its a whole 'nuther ball park.

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Thanks a lot for both of your replies. Makes sense to be familiar with both waxes before blending. I will also try the 6006 and try working with paraffin wax at some point. Don't want to try too much at once...but I do have to try a new wax since my closest supplier stopped carrying my original wax. Thought it might be a good time to try the blend.

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