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UPS is pissing me off!!!! I need to vent!


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When I was young my mother sold avon and tri-chem (some paint in a tube) And tupperware. She had the best UPS guy named howie, she would always have eithger something hot or cold waiting for him and ironically enough he would always show up at dinner time. She would make hium a plate to take and he would always bring it back clean LOL. I am sure he was busy but he was never rude or disrespectful nomatter how busy.

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my ups guy or girl i have 2 that deliver here to me they are great they will carry it all the way into my house for me and if im not home i have a spot i asked them to put my stuff and they do, nothing is ever broken and they even stay and chat a bit . hope yours gets better or get a new one

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Okay so a few months back i had this odd (okay, bad) experience with UPS that i hoped wouldn't be repeated. I had 3 boxes delivered in one day ~ 2 large from one place (ordered together), and one small from another. Well, one of the large and the small showed up and the other large did not. So i wait until 7 thinking maybe the other one will be delivered seperate... it doesn't show up, so i go check the status online. It says all three have been delivered. Long story short, for some reason i decided to go check around outside..

They delivered ONE box to the other side of my duplex (left it on the porch) and the others to me.

Then yesterday i was expecting something from UPS and instead of finding a package when i get up last night, i have a message on my phone from a neighbor i don't know who found my package on her porch.

So apparently UPS is trying to give my stuff away to my little neighborhood.

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