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Fitting an office/shipping desk into a 4' space... I need help! I'm finally making myself move my office into my workspace. Up until now I've used a desk in my house but its just not working anymore, my kids are old enough now to cause problems, break things, spill things.. my cats sleep on my printer and print out 100 scans of nothing as they step on the buttons... i've gotta get out of here. This is the reason my work space isnt in my house to begin with.. animal and kid free zone!! lol :laugh2:

My issue is the only open space I have in my workshop is my shipping desk. its 4' long, and 2' wide. I can clear the whole top off.. there is space above it, but not below. I have to fit my huge printer (1.5'x2') up there, that takes about half. Doesnt leave me much space.. so I'm looking for tips from you guys on ways to use the wall space to organize my padded envelopes, flat rate boxes, tape, twine, a roll of wrapping paper, so on and so forth.

I'm thinking Martha, on a... rachel ray budget :laugh2:I found some inspiration here.. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=wrapping+paper+station&wrapid=tlif12942470249251&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=paMkTavbBY70swPvoJz3AQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=9&ved=0CHEQsAQwCA&biw=1362&bih=583

but that will only work really for my wrapping paper, scissors, twine.. im just not sure how to get those boxes and envelopes on the wall.. I thought about magazine holders, but they arent big enough for most of the boxes... ugh. If anyone has any awesome ideas... the wall space is 4' wide and I can go about 4' up, too

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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My advice is to go with the ClosetMaid type wire shelving you get at Lowes. Not too expensive, can make it any size you want, comes with lots of accessories and is very sturdy (when installed correctly). May not be Martha Stewart, but works very well. Of course, you can always get someone to build custom shelving, but can get expensive. Also with the shelving units, you can put the printer on the wall, too (depending on what type it is).

I know what you mean by cats. One time I started some clear adhesive sheets printing while I went back to pour some candles. Heard the printer making weird noises and discovered my cat on top of the printer trying to chase the feeding sheets in the feed tray! And I don't even want to get started on how well the adhesive labels stick to cat fur, LOL.



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If you have a Container Store near you, they have a lot of stuff. Plus, they have the Elfa stuff that can be customized. Might also want to check out Ikea as well, might be something useful there.

And I don't even want to get started on how well the adhesive labels stick to cat fur, LOL.

THAT would have been a hilarious video to watch.... Trying to get adhesive off of a cat...

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My thrifty husband put shelving brackets up along a whole wall and tiered them with various heights. He then used some wood boards (I believe they are pressed wood) as "shelves." I like it b/c I can store most of my B&B supplies on those shelves.

I store my boxes under my work table (used an industrial coated steel door and placed them on two (2) rubbermaid cabinets - one cabinet on each end. I use the space in between the two cabinets to store my various boxes and shipping supplies. The space underneath also is spacious enough that I can pull my stools underneath them while sitting. The cabinets serve as additional storage. I have my printer on shelf on the wall while my laptop and backup hard drives, phone, etc are on the work table on one side.

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I dont want to go with shelves, because I have them everywhere else in my work room already.. and all the boxes are too wide to "sit" on the shelf, know what I mean? They would hang over... but I did look at ikea and find a few magazine racks that might work, I'll have to peek at them in person, i never can tell fully online.. measurements escape me sometimes!! lol.

My printer has to be on the desk.. but I did find a riser with shelves it will sit on, so I can file some invoices under it.

...now if only i had an assistant to do all the shipping for me:laugh2:

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Think up!! Maximize wall space and look for cabinetry/shelves/organizer that will fit your needs and make the most of your space.

I redid my office using Ikea wall cabinets from the Effectiv line and their Galant desks. I was able to fit workspaces for both my husband and I in an approx 10x10 room (with enough storage/file drawers for his business AND mine) I maximized the space by getting the small rolling drawer sets for under each of our desks and by adding a glass shelf (also from Ikea) just above my desktop to add a place for my file organizers to get them off the desk. The desk "wrapping" the corner helps too because it is deeper so it maximizes the space. You could always use some other type of organizer for shipping supplies. Also, if you have a flat panel monitor you could always mount it on the wall to clear space on the desk top and get a keyboard/mouse drawer to attach under the desk top. All but one section of wall cabinets and one of the under desk cabinets for our entire office was purchased over a 3 month period on Craigslist for less than 1/4 of what it would have been new at IKEA. The 2 items that we did buy new came from their scratch & dent section. Both were display pieces, one had a scratch on the back and the other had a scuff that buffed right out. My husband always tells me I have champagne taste on a bottled water budget....some how I still manage to get what I want!! Sometimes it is just a matter of being patient enough to keep looking for what you want.

My side of the office:


His side is a mirror image and we have another cabinet to the right of my desk that has 2 file drawers that my big laser printer lives on top of so we can both reach it. That cabinet is on wheels so we can move it to get to the window if needed.

Edited by mparadise
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just another thought.....you could always do cabinets above to hold the envelopes,etc (I can't tell you how many boxes of different labels are in mine!! they hold a ton) Then you could mount some type of closet rod or curtain rod under it to hang twine & ribbon from. Maybe a tall decorative basket or umbrella holder on the floor next to it to stand wrapping paper on end it to keep it organized.

Maybe the same type of cabinet like my tall one (just the top section - there modular and attach together so you can configure for your space) but a short one on wheels with doors. You could put your printer on it and roll it in front of the desk when not in use and a little to the side when in use?? Just a thought.

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