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Newbe with a lot-o-wax!

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I am very new to making candles,but my first few tries have been rewarding! I have started with parrifin because I was able to find a large supply at a very good price. What I need to know is where I can find a list of additives and what these things will do to pure wax. All that I know so far is that I have hundreds of pounds of wax that melts at 130 degrees. Since I have what seems to be a life time supply the stuff, I feel that I should stick to parrifin candles. THANKS!!!

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Well, I bought a whole candle factory in San Angelo, Texas! The folks were helping a group that were helping out mentaly chalanged people (jobs). A better contract came up and the whole candle works was offered up for sale. I purchased the wax (4 pallets @ 2500 lbs.= 10,000 lbs.), 100's of molds,spools of wick,ect. I am interested in helping kids and young people somehow with all of this so I am talking to people that are interested in learning this art and then setting up shop in a building that I have avalable. The past owners just do not have the time to help with any of this. The pallets just have CITGO (as in the oil co.) printed on the wrapping. There are bags of additives and things of that sort and have to determine just what all I do have! I have read 4 books and joined this site and that is the start of my education so far. I bought all of this 2 months ago and have been making candles every day for a couple of weeks. I will post pictures soon. If ya live in the San Angelo, Tex. area, P.M. me and I will give ya a tour! Also any ideas as to putting all of this to use to help young people of all ages would be cool!!

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Well, I bought a whole candle factory in San Angelo, Texas! The folks were helping a group that were helping out mentaly chalanged people (jobs). A better contract came up and the whole candle works was offered up for sale. I purchased the wax (4 pallets @ 2500 lbs.= 10,000 lbs.), 100's of molds,spools of wick,ect. I am interested in helping kids and young people somehow with all of this so I am talking to people that are interested in learning this art and then setting up shop in a building that I have avalable. The past owners just do not have the time to help with any of this. The pallets just have CITGO (as in the oil co.) printed on the wrapping. There are bags of additives and things of that sort and have to determine just what all I do have! I have read 4 books and joined this site and that is the start of my education so far. I bought all of this 2 months ago and have been making candles every day for a couple of weeks. I will post pictures soon. If ya live in the San Angelo, Tex. area, P.M. me and I will give ya a tour! Also any ideas as to putting all of this to use to help young people of all ages would be cool!!

Wish I was there, would love to help and learn with you. In your case others experences with paraffin would be great to hear. The old time candle makers that only used paraffin and added this and that, to get the candle the wanted. Call the candle manufactures and talk to someone who knows their products. I have always had luck with the salesmen. Ask the artist in your area to come up with a logo. Contact the newspaper to write articles about your plight. Ask them to ask for sugestions and candle making volunteers to lend their knowledge. Sounds like a changeling and fun adventure you'll be going on. Take care and good luck... Let us know how your doing.

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Wish I was there, would love to help and learn with you. In your case others experences with paraffin would be great to hear. The old time candle makers that only used paraffin and added this and that, to get the candle the wanted. Call the candle manufactures and talk to someone who knows their products. I have always had luck with the salesmen. Ask the artist in your area to come up with a logo. Contact the newspaper to write articles about your plight. Ask them to ask for sugestions and candle making volunteers to lend their knowledge. Sounds like a changeling and fun adventure you'll be going on. Take care and good luck... Let us know how your doing.

Thanks for your encouraging words and advice! I can say that learning this art has been a real joy! I will find time soon to post up pictures of all of the supplys and some of my first attempts. Now, I'll just keep researching and learning!

Edited by Swimeasy
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