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How was everyone's craft show this weekend?


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I actually did 3 this weekend. Saturday I did the same Christmas show I do every year out of town. Did pretty good but a lot of other venders didn't do so well.

A friend of mine did a show in town on Saturday for me to represent my company. It was their 1st craft show in the new middle school so I was keeping my fingers crossed it went well. She sent me an email already and she did pretty good so we both made some money.

I also do another show but just deliver my crafts, set up the table, and they do they show for all the vendors. I pick up my stuff today at the end of the show so I won't know how well it went til then but I usually make a decent amount each year off this one so its worth it.

But I don't know if I ever want to do 3 shows at once anymore. I had to have at least 20-25 cases of candles and 100+ lbs of soap made, everything packaged and labeled, and sorted out for each show.:tongue2: I'm just a leetle exhausted!

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Three shows on one weekend??!?! You are amazing girlie.

This weekend was my first show with serious crafters who travel and do nothing but the big shows. I learned so much and am totally hooked. There were 5 other booths doing clamshell wax but we sold 75% of all wax/warmer inventory and about half of the other stuff. It took 3 of us to handle the booth most of the day with 2 selling and one giving breaks because there simply wasn't room in the booth. I also made some great contacts and have some possible wholesale accounts. :yay:

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Glad you both had good shows. 3 shows in one weekend You must have really worked hard and you should be exhausted Candybee! I did not do one this weekend but my store was so busy! I think it was the busiest I have ever been, I know I made lots of $$! Tons of gift baskets sold as well as soaps and scrubs were a big seller also.

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I did three shows this weekend as well but they were Fri, Sat & Sun all in different locations. I don't know about you Candybee but I feel like a pack mule! Friday's was good, Saturday's was OK but Sunday's was a winner. Thats' my last show of the year and I'm looking forward to the break.

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I did three shows this weekend as well but they were Fri, Sat & Sun all in different locations. I don't know about you Candybee but I feel like a pack mule! Friday's was good, Saturday's was OK but Sunday's was a winner. Thats' my last show of the year and I'm looking forward to the break.

How cool would be to have a trailer with everything organized to go from show to show......ummmm dreaming again.

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I did 3 shows too!!! 1 Thursday, which was bad, but no booth fee so I can't complain, 1 Saturday which went well. Lot of foot trafic, but people were just not buying. I am still very happy with my results. and 1 that was Thursday, Friday and Saturday. That was at my Aunt's house, so she manned my stuff while I was at the other shows. That did very well!!!

1 more show on Thursday, then I'm done for the season. Then it is test test test to add new things to my line for next year :)

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Had 1 over the weekend and did really well. Third year doing that show and this year was the best!! There have been many times we've had to do multiple shows, we had one that was a Friday, Sat and Sunday and two others that were on Friday night and Sat morning. Good thing there are several us that can handle these. My parents help out and they help make the stuff too so they are well equipped to answer any questions about the products people may have. I am glad this was the last show of the year for us as I am ready for a break, but, I do have 3 fundraisers going on so the break is over before it begins. But once those are done it's back to normal and just having 1 show a month. They are 3 sometimes 4 day shows (if it's a holiday weekend). Glad others had good shows!!! :yay:

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