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:yay:I think you are off to a great start!!!

my first thoughts are that the text is very plain... even if it was just something very simple with a hint of italics like this...

Welcome to Xanadu Mind Body and Soul...

We are dedicated to providing products which

enrich your overall experience..

All of our products are produced with quality

ingredients and are packaged with care,

Please take a moment to look over items we

have listed..

Less harsh and it catches my eye better.. or even if its in a "box" or frame. On the banner too.. super plain.

Now I know this is SUPER nitpicky, but the .. arent really appropriate for this type of business statement. I use ... alot, mostly because when I type on a website like this I'm being conversational, but when I read them its like someone is leaving something hanging out there... plus there should be three.. not two ;) hehe

Welcome to Xanadu: Mind, Body, and Soul!

We are dedicated to providing products which enrich your overall experience.

so on and so forth. Again, thats me being nitpicky... take it or leave it!!

For the candles page.. I would try to make sure the photos are a standard size.

For the bath and body page.. remember that we are not allowed to make medical claims.

Also you say on your soap that you do not use "synthetic fragrance oils" but then say at the end you use "safe fragrance oils" to add to the soaps fragrance... thats kinda confusing to a buyer I would think. Also, "organic" claims arent really regulated in soap but I'd be aware of that... once lye is added to it, lets be honest.. its not organic anymore.

Theres no real guidance on how to purchase... maybe add "To make a purchase" added to your "please call if we can be any assitance". If I was a buyer I would likely just move on... this is the age of immediate satisfaction.. know what i mean?

are you planning on adding a cart to your website? What worked well for me for quite some time was to make my photos clickable, and they linked to my etsy page. That way people had a way to buy, right then on the spot when they see something they like.

Looks like you have a great start and all your products look great! Your palm is beautiful :yay: great job!

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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Great ideas. I am a .. freak.. LoL THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH.

Sometimes more eyes helps see things more clearly.

I unfortunately had a teenager take those for me and he wanted different angles. It was a hit or miss with him. I will try and take some more.

The shopping cart is where I have no idea to begin. I haven't set up etsy yet. I have been so slammed with the shows and restocking that I haven't done much research on those areas.

I have mainly had people call me to place orders from people who had seen me at shows. Most are repeat customers who pretty much know my product line better than me. lol

I have also had problems with the font. Every font I picked didnt show the same on the website. I guess they were not compatible.

Fortunately you can change your website as many times as you need to otherwise Id be crazier!


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My comments:

1. I agree that the text is plain and needs to be fancier.

2. Please work on your wording: " We can make gift baskets with any combination of any of our products" doesn't sound good..... "We will be happy to make a custom gift basket including any of our products." Sounds much better.

3. You don't describe your scents. How would one know what Dragon's Blood smells like?

4. On the Candles page.... In your pictures at the bottom.. You say "Tart's" and "Tealight's". There should not be any apostrophes.. that shows possession and they aren't possessing anything.

5. Centering every line makes it hard to read.. I think a bullet point list, or just normal paragraphing is better.. but that's just my opinion.

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Does not work well with firefox. Text overlaps.

Not everyone is a Dollar Bill lover. Micro$oft has a good browser, but if you cater only to Micro$oft, then the rest of the world that doesn't may find your site problematic.

Just my observation. Craftserver works fine on Firefox.

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Gonna have to see what happened. I could get them to work but I had to go to the home and then press the link it works. Thanks about the crystals... I love them. My customer base is really earthy and these were requested. Same as the salt lamps.

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Too funny... When I handle them I feel dried out due to the salt residue...

Thank you.. So it worked on your firefox?

Humm... All these internet problems are driving me nuts....

I can't use my font because it wasn't showing up right...:confused:

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Strictly from a web design viewpoint and please don't flame me and say I am being mean - I did this stuff for a living many years:

Your pages jump from left/right and center justification, pick one and make it consistant from page to page. Your banner jumps around from page to page too.

Same with your page body, if you are going to do pictures on the right, text in the center/left - make it consistant. If you are going to put text on the pictures, do it consistantly - sometimes you are on the top, sometimes it's on the bottom.

Your font size is too large in the description text. As a result the paragraph justification is fragmented. Like you have four words on one line and two on the next. From a graphic styling preference it would look better to reduce the size of your font and maybe try an off white text since you background is so dark. See the text size on Crystals - make it all the same - consistancy is important - it's what makes a site look professional.

Line your pictures up on the tops, they are offset ever so slightly.

Design wise the page is too long considering content. Your pictures are so large and the text is so big. As a result...viewers have to scroll down to see one picture and text...not desirable.

I did not read text - this was just what I noticed in passing -

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Awesome... Ok. Which text is too large? The headings?

My problem is that I had to change all the text to show up because evidently the Forte and AbbottOldStyle I used came up as Arial.. So I changed all of it to Arial Italics.

I used Site Builder by Yahoo.. I thought I clicked center justification??

Wow is this crap hard!!

Thank you soooo much for the response. I truly dont take it as too critical.. We all have our specialties. Mine is printwork...lol Web design not so much...lol

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There should be a different size text for headers (and some of them you have put on two lines - not necessary) but the description text where you are describing the items should be consistant thoughout the website - preferably the size it is on the crystal's page and from a graphically more pleasing standpoint not in bold or italic black - Font issues are solved by using only fonts that are universal - if you picked ariel it should show on all browsers, but save font size, boldness and italics to place an emphasis, not as a matter of routine.

The main issues is getting your design and elements in line with each other, the same on each page so there is consistancy. Right now, a viewer is clicking each page and having to find where to start, sometimes its left, sometimes it's midde - sometimes the pictures are on the left and big, sometimes small and in the middle - it's a subliminal, and the consumer won't know why they feel confused or lost, but they will.

Also consider adding pages in there that a reader would expect to see when visiting a site "about us", "how to order", etc. Your purpose of your page is to sell correct? Than why is how to buy the bottom of the page? Make a page and link in the main navigation bar at the top and explain how to buy, leave if off the additional pages unless you use it as a button on the side bar to link back to the "how to order page".

Move your pictures to the top of the main page - and make them a bit smaller if you can - that text on the bottom of that plain header is not inviting at all - and now due to the large font they have to scroll on some monitors to see the pictures.

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Just an FYI about the fonts - the fonts *you* use will only show up for visitors if *they* have them on their computer system. There are a set of fonts that are default and are used by computer software manufacturers, like Windows. Those fonts will show up if the font *you* used is not available on the visitor's computer.


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If you're running Windows, you can check out the Windows website for their list. Here's the link for fonts used with Windows XP - http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/winxp.htm

Here's a list of all the font families used by Microsoft - http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/family.aspx

These are default fonts that should show up for anyone using a Microsoft program like Windows.

Edited by PAgirl89
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