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Did my last show for the season............


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And I'm very happy it's over. Did terrible at the local utility craft show, had new people running it this year, and they have a lot to learn. But they did go around and ask what they can do different for next year. This is the second week I've got screwed on space. I had asked for 2 tables, one for candles and one for B&B. We got there and I did have 2 tables....2 DA#@ card tables!! So once again, my setup was terrible, moving things around left and right trying to get things to fit. I did get a few more tables, but what a hassle it was trying to deal with these people. And I didn't get all the power I had asked for to light up my hurricanes, but I can live with that, I did get some plugged in. Here's a few pictures. It's bad when you've done these shows for 4-5 years, you expect certain things, and then you come in and everything has changed and you have NO space :mad:

Then I turned around and did a house party at night. Boy, that was way to much for me. It was a goodparty though, just invited good friends on this one cause I knew I was rushed for time, only had 3 hours from the show till the start of the party. Did almost 500.00 at the party with 8 people, and it was just a cash and carry, and no talk, just come and buy and leave. I know this time of year is busy for people and they all know my products so I thought it would be the best way to do it, and it worked out good.

Hope everyone else is winding down so you can get some rest, I know I sure need it.






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Gerrie, your products look fabulous!

I love the use of colors in your stuff, very appealing. I see you have some mega refills for whatever is in those foamer bottles.

I also see you have those Bell Trader air fresheners going on! They look awesome how you packaged them. Sorry about the table dilemma, I read alot of that on the boards and it just isn't right.

Great home show.. ROCK on!! :smiley2:

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Thanks everyone for the nice things you said about my "crazy" setup.

Paulette, the white boxes have my votives, and the round plastic containers is what I put my individually wrapped tarts in.

Robin, you are right about asking more questions on the show. I had just assumed the person who had done it the past 5 years had informed the new people what worked and what didnt' work. That's what you get when you "assume" things :embarasse

I do really well with my foaming soap and refills. This is the 4th year I've carried them. BUT......it's like anything else, I may sell out at one show and then at the next show only sell 3-4. The first year I didn't have the refills, and sales were down, then when I put out the refills customers started buying for each bathroom and the kitchen, since the refills are so much cheaper than having to buy the pump over and over. I'm still using my pump I started testing with, and it still works great. HTH

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You made lemonade out of lemons woman-Your display looks AWESOME and I would have never known that you were struggling with too small of tables to get everything organized-well done!! :yay:

I love your electric hurricanes and your shutter display-very nice. Everything looks really great, lots of color and doesn't look overly cluttered or anything. :)

I can't believe you did a home show that same night-you're brave girl!! LOL

Glad you did well though, kinda made up for your not so perfect day huh? ;)

If you don't mind me asking, how much do you sell the foaming soap and refills for?

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