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Need to order tart wax~Ky tart wax Or The Candle source wax?


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Well, SharonKay, I've been baaaad. I started testing when I shouldn't have, but just one tart of each.

Anyway, Persian Pear (Elements) is strong and beautiful, Dragon's blood (Elements): same, throws great! Caramelized praline (Candle Science): outstanding!!!!

sitting next to me is a little bag filled with tarts (Cranberry Fig from Elements); trying to ignore them but they keep whispering my name.... oh, what to do:rolleyes2

Promised myself I'd wait at least 2 more days... yeah, right!

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Well Ravens... I so... feel for you. I am awake at 4:40 in the morning, can't sleep, woke up thinking about wax and fragrances, what's a girl to do but to go on craftservers and check out what's going on. So how was the throw on the ones that you tried and how many days have they been curing. Mine have been curing for about 20 hours and counting. Just don't know how I am going to wait. I am really happy to hear about CS Caramelized Pralines because that is one of my two favorite fragrance oils the other one is Amish Quilt from AH.

I so hope elements works well for you. I have a bunch of samples from them that I just love but they would not throw well in Clarus. I have Iced Carrot Cake on my list for today. That smells so... yummy, I can even smell the cream cheese icing in it. Their cinnamon bun smells really good too along with their Apple Cobbler Delight and Fall Harvest is to die for so I hope they all throw will in TCS wax. I really hope the TCS fragrances work well because the prices are so... good. My first one to test today will be Tis the Season (have I already mentioned that I love, love, love it LOL).

Well thanks for the information and please continue to keep us posted and I will do the same.

Sharon Kay

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Hi Sharon,

Thanks for all the detailed info! Would you mind to post a picture of the dimples so I could see how bad they are? I hate dimples. lol ;-) I wonder if you mixed a bit of soy in if the dimples would disappear?

I'm stuck without the use of one hand, had surgery friday on it , so I'm so jealous of you all pouring tarts!!

Edited by cdesousa5
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Cdesousa5...Oh... I hope you have use of your other hand soon. I have never posted a picture, not sure how to do that but go to this site from Ravens and see a picture of her clamshells Re: KY Tart/Votive Wax...out of stock...AGAIN! - 10-12-2010, 10:51 AM it's on page 11.

I want to test mine TCS wax with no changes then I might use the same fragrance oil and test with some added soy to see if that helps the dimples. I have twenty five pounds of Enchanted Lites Millen. blend which is 98% soy that Is just sitting in my cupboard. The dimples aren't that bad I am more concerned with a great hot and cold throw.

Sharon Kay

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Oh ok , I would not call that dimples just a bit of a dip.I can deal with that! What I call dimples looks like a bunch of little dips . If you ever get a chance open up some of the Scentsy bars , esp. in the old packaging and you'll see what dimples look like! lol

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Sorry, everyone, but my bi-annual sinus infection is here. Can't smell a thing; I've been pouring new FOs like crazy and can't even smell them in the Presto pot, so I KNOW it's bad :sad2:

It'll be several days before I can test any of the new scents, but you all keep this thread updated, please.

SharonKay, I laughed when I read your post, about being awake in the wee hours and thinking about waxes&fragrances... we've got it bad, don't we?

Last night I heard my dogs greeting the UPS man, then heard my husband say, "I'll get the door, it's our friend with the big brown truck... don't forget to invite him and his family over for Thanksgiving or Christmas or both... and what did you buy now?"

I'm glad I have an understanding husband; however, I should give UPS a call and ask them to deliver before 6 p.m., when hubby isn't home (He did make the comment "It's UPS.... again?? " a few times already :rolleyes2)

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Mary0050, got to work with my beloved TCS wax last night and tried the following scents: Hollyberry, Caramelized Pralines (Candle Science), Sugared Spruce, Sleighbells (The Candle Source), Tribal Nights (Southern Scentsations).

I have an order coming from LoneStar; can't wait to try their Autumn Lodge in this wax!

In the Presto pot, the Caramelied Pralines smelled soooo absolutely yummy, delicious:drool:

The tarts are curing now. I will let them sit at least 4 days.... why do I keep telling myself and others "4 days" when I can barely manage 2? :rolleyes2

Raven need your help!! My first batch did not do well. I heated to 170, removed and added my fo, then poured at 150. That's what was on the other thread. Should I have followed the directions from the website? Heat to 180, remove and add fo, then pour at 175? It's a shame we don't all live close to each other, we could start an all night candle club! What am I doing wrong????:laugh2:

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Raven need your help!! My first batch did not do well. I heated to 170, removed and added my fo, then poured at 150. That's what was on the other thread. Should I have followed the directions from the website? Heat to 180, remove and add fo, then pour at 175? It's a shame we don't all live close to each other, we could start an all night candle club! What am I doing wrong????:laugh2:

I would be so in! I stay awake in the wee hours and read the forum while waiting on batches of wax to melt(180).

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Shewill5, OMG, that's me all over!!:laugh2: In front of the computer, a drink beside me, the tarts setting and a new batch of something else in the Presto pot. Then clean up the kitchen countertops before hubby gets up. He says he's tired of eating food that smells and tastes like "perfume".... what an exaggeration; he got Monkey Farts on his crackers just once and now he makes it sound like it's an everyday occurence.... he should have put the crackers on a plate, right?:P

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Mary, what do you mean it did not do well? I've often thought the same thing; living closer would be great, but then can you imagine the trouble we could get into? :laugh2:

You guys are too funny! We would probably have such a crowd people would wonder what a bunch of women were doing having so much fun during the late hours! I live in an apartment and my candle stuff is scattered all over the kitchen table when I'm working and I have a small scale to weigh my oils and stuff. My grandson said "Gram if someone came in and saw this stuff they'd think your were bagging and weighing drugs" ha!ha! Sure enough the maintenance guy came by and looked at me weird when he saw the scale and white stuff for my smelly jelly! I quickly told him what I was doing and my grandson and I got a good laugh! Guess you had to be there:laugh2:Anyway, Raven I bought my oil from the supplier I mentioned and it was White Tea and Ginger. Everyone was raving about it but her's did not smell very strong. Is it a very light scent? That's the one I added my fo at 170 and pour at 150 I could barely smell anything? Now after 3 days it's still very light. Could you please give me your directions again for how high to get my wax and when to pour? Thanks I really appreciate it.

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Mary0050, please give me until tomorrow evening. Need to pour more White Tea&Ginger; a lady I know fell in love with it and want 2 pounds of tarts, all WT&G. (A few months ago she bought 3 pounds of it!)

I will write everything down, from start to finish - and then post it. This FO (I buy it from Peak's) smells strong in the glass containers where I store the tarts, and it's quite strong, long lasting when you melt it.

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