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Have any of you settled on these w GG?

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The whole testing GG Palm is hopefully coming down to a wick/size selection. I've been testing for a little while and still have a ways to go. But this is for those that have tested and are still testing this wax. I've been testing the 12 oz squat hex(9 ounce really) from CS and in almost all of my fragrances (most from CS or NG), I went from a CSN12, to a CSN11 in most scents. If I go to a CSN9, it just doesn't seem to burn right; having hangup in the corners. But with the 11, the wick jumps and in almost all cases have soot on the jars. I'm trimming these wicks back almost to where there isn't one! But the HT is amazing w the 11's. Anyone settled on 9's with success with the hex? I'm also testing the 16 ounce apothecary (CS)and got tired of trying to single wick, so I went with double wicks and it looks like (2) CSN9s will work for that with most scents. For the 8 ounce Jelly Jars...looks like CSN9. And our votives...most do well with 5's. Would appreciate any input. Thanks guys

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With the 9 oz hex (CS calls them 12 oz squat hex for some reason, holds about 7.4 oz of wax), I have found that the CSN 11 is my base line wick. It works in the majority of applications. With a few scents, I have had to go as high as the 12 (in one case that seems to be too small, but I don't think the 14 is the answer), and in some cases, the 9 and even 7 (in one case) seem to do best. I have also found one FO that the LX series burns best.

As far as the 8 oz. jelly, I have used the CSN 9 as my baseline, with good success. The jelly jar is the easiest to wick, because of its tapering shape. It makes it easier to catch up at the end of a burn. Like the 9 oz hex, however, some FO's require wicking up or down. One scent actually works very well with the CSN 5! I know, seems way too small, but gives a good burn. Of course, just to make things even more of a pain, now that the weather is changing, some of the "tight" burns may need to be tweaked a bit.

I think the hardest container to get a great burn on so far (single wicking) is the 12 oz Status jar. With most of the FO's I am working with, I have managed to get decent results, but a couple I may have to try the double wick. Don't really want to go this route, though.

I have mostly been testing with the 4, 6, 9 oz hex, the 4, 6, 9 oz classic, the 8 oz jelly, whispers, beanpots and status.



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The Status jar has been a nightmare for us. We tried the CSN14 with a ton of hangup. And I think the CSN16, but I'll have to check my notes. But, I'll keep testing those two. We are testing the RRD40's and 37's as well. Wanted to stick with CSN...but whatever works. But you'd think that the status, being a straight cylinder container would be easier to wick than a hex jar...but no. I'll figure that one out one day. And yeah...the variety of wicks is crazy isn't it? Nothing surprises me with this wax/wick combination. Test Test Test. Oh...Steve, where do you get whisper jars? And could they be called something else?

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If you want them with lids:


Here without lids (but they are available):


Lonestar carries them:


All depends on where you are. I have only looked close to the East Coast to try to save on shipping.



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Personally I've used several wicks with good results but havent found THE one yet that works in all applications/containers when it comes to GG.

For the 9oz Hex I've used a CD or CDN 10-12, CSN 9-12 or Premier 755-770. Had real good luck with each of these; however, the burn and scent throw will vary based on the FO supplier and amount used at least in the testing I've done.

For the Status jar I dual wick with 2 CD or CDN 3-5 or the Premier 715-730 with great results.

I've found that anything 3" or over I get much more consistant results from dual wicking.

As with anything else though you need to find what works best for you in your situation. :)

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Thanks guys....Yep Stella...We have always tested candles to the very end, unless it's a "no brainer" (either fireworks or wick just dies out in the beginning of the test burn). Thanks for the thread...now that you posted that, I do remember seeing that one, as the pics jarred my memory. So thank you...will look through it again in detail. Vagabond66 - appreciate so much the experiences you've had with the different wicks. We've always dbl wicked the tureens and apothecary jars, but never the status. We do have CD wicks and will give those a try. I'm personally liking the CSN9's and 11's for most of the fragrances in the hex. I've not had hardly any FO's needing 12's, but havent tested all of them yet either. But now...with all the newest GG controversy going on...I hate to do too much more testing until it gets figured out.:sad2: Thanks again

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  • 4 weeks later...

For wicking:

I use CDNs in all my glass glow applications and have no problems with the burn I get from them. I get a near 100% burn without heating up the jar to the point that it becomes too hot to handle. I trim the wicks initially to a little more than 1/8" (to reduce the initial flaring of the flame typical of palm wax) and 1/4" before successive burns.

For 6 & 9 oz. hex jars, I use a CDN 8 & 10; for 8 & 12 oz. status/metro jars, I use a CDN 10 & 12, respectively. HTH :)

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