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Price Increase ....Stock Up Now


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We all knew it was coming. NG news letter they stated they will have to increase FO prices soon. So stock up now..

Per NG * Due to demand of this solvent, prices for benzyl benzoic continue to rise. Natures Garden will review each of our fragrances on a fragrance-by-fragrance basis and increase our prices accordingly. Prices will be adjusted to reflect these increases soon.

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Well, we knew it was inevitable. I believe even with the price increases, NG will probably STILL be one of the cheapest suppliers of FO. When I see places charging nearly $30 for a lb of fragrance oil (which is ridiculous by the way)....I won't mind paying a dollar or two more for NG's. :)

Hey, at least NG's price increase will remain, instead of going up because of "supplier price increases", then going down (temporarily, of course), then going up again because of another supplier price increase ......:tiptoe: I think gas prices are more stable than the certain supplier I mention! I don't think I even need to mention the supplier's name, you could probably all guess! LOL

ETA: Can you tell I'm still bitter about buying jars during the "increase" only to have the price decreased after I stocked up??

Edited by asheebeans
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NG prices have always been very affordable. So if they are having a price increase I am sure many other suppliers will be too since their oils are on the rise..

The difference with NG is at least they gave us a heads up..

I know Bert gave notice recently that some of her prices will be going up too.SO thank you NG and Bert for the heads up!! :)

I hate when you go to order more FO and the price jumps $3-8+++ bucks with no warning!!! :tiptoe:

Edited by islandgirl
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Honestly if the raw ingredients go up, what alternative do the suppliers have but to raise the prices, unless they offset the loss somewhere else. And for me - I would rather have a supplier raise the price than bastardize the formula utilzing inferior ingredients to maintain the price.

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Honestly if the raw ingredients go up, what alternative do the suppliers have but to raise the prices, unless they offset the loss somewhere else. And for me - I would rather have a supplier raise the price than bastardize the formula utilzing inferior ingredients to maintain the price.

I hear ya there!

However, it is always nice to know when an increase is coming instead of going to order and boom there it is ... in my case I have a few that I could swear have jumped up $8 to $10 since I last ordered. Of course, if I don't shell out the money, then they're likely to be more expensive the next time too. My deal (and my partner hates this) is that I like to have to order more than one or two FOs at a time. Unfortunately, we're getting to the point where I guess I better consider just flat buying more of some and less of others.

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Oh for sure, please let us know if there is going to be an increase so we call fill the cart! LOL

Yes, I went to check out NG to see if there was anything I am low on, so thanks for the headsup, I would not have known.

Scented is right, it kills me to buy a pound here and a pound there. I say I am going to condense, but I can seem to get lower than 6 suppliers!

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Honestly if the raw ingredients go up, what alternative do the suppliers have but to raise the prices, unless they offset the loss somewhere else. And for me - I would rather have a supplier raise the price than bastardize the formula utilzing inferior ingredients to maintain the price.


Maybe I'm an FO snob, but I would prefer to pay $30 for an awesome FO than $20 for something mediocre. Every time I smelled the $20 FO, I would kick myself.

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Now the question is when are they gonna raise prices? Hate to wait to long, but also don't want to order before I am ready. Oh, and was just on their site and saw they now have a Sugar Cookie Brulee!!! OMG, how many different super sweet FO's do we need, LOL. Of course I am going to have to try it :).



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Don't get caught in the game of waiting till the last minute, because there's a higher % of missing when the last minute was or beating the deadline type of thing (and it promotes procrastination lol) ... hope that makes sense.

It's likely the increase will be coming with the influx of their next supplies maybe ... then again it could be something said to generate a rash of sales. I should be biting my fingers today. They seem to have a mind of their own.

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