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Just Wondering About FO Suppliers


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I know this has probably been discussed before but I can't seem to find it. I notice that many sites have similar F.O names and descriptions. Of course with so many that is likely...

For instance, I notice that many Nature's Garden scents can be found at other places, have strikingly similar scents when I compare them. I would say identical. Could many of these suppliers that we buy through just be getting the F.O's from the same wholesaler and cutting and packaging them?

Do you know of any suppliers that have the same exact fragrances as each other?

I was going to order Irish Green Tweed at NG and noticed the pretty much same thing at Aroma Haven... I know NG's scents don't always throw all that well for me so I was going to try the more expensive AH version but if they are the same....

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Well Green Irish Tweed (and many other fragrances) was a very popular cologne first, so it only makes sense that it would be carried by several suppliers.

Yes, from time to time you'll run into two or more FOs that smell identical. Sometimes they'll share the same name and sometimes they won't. They may very well come from the same manufacturer and be chemically identical. More often than not though, I find that formulations differ between suppliers and that they have different strengths and weaknesses in different applications.

That's why testing is so important and why this hobby is so darn expensive. Tracking down the best version of every beloved scent in every application takes a lot of time, testing and investment.

We do have a thread where we report any "duplicates" we find, but what smells identical to one person may not to another, so it's hard to rely on it completely.


Good luck and happy testing!!

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That's why testing is so important and why this hobby is so darn expensive. Tracking down the best version of every beloved scent in every application takes a lot of time, testing and investment.

We do have a thread where we report any "duplicates" we find, but what smells identical to one person may not to another, so it's hard to rely on it completely.


Good luck and happy testing!!

Thanks for the fragrance twins link-

This is expensive and it does take more time and investment then anyone could ever think. Good thing it is fun too! :cheesy2:

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