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Help! Crystals forming on tops of CB 135 :-(

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My first customer order dried with crystals on it. I used red block dye and I never used so much color before. Could it be the dye that is making the crystals form? I have always had smooth tops with a cave in- now my first deeply colored one seems to have red sugar granule looking crystals on the entire top.

Ok so there is 2 questions here:

1. Why is this?


2. I am afraid to heat gun it because I don't want to destroy the wick. Should I melt and repour? If so can I just melt it on a candle warmer and pour it into a new container or should I heat it back up to a certain temp.?

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I dont think you will ruin the wick?

I don't have a heatgun but wenn I want to smoothen a top then I use my hairdryer. I never ruined the wicks wenn heaten it carefuly?

I think I would try that

Why did you use more dye now?

Did you stire it long enought in the pot?

Sorry for my English hahaha.:rolleyes2


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Poke a couple of holes and do a repour on top. Don't know why it happened. I always do re-pours.

A repour as in melt more wax and try to match the same color and pour right on top?

What I ended up doing for this one is using a hairdryer. I made a tinfoil tip myself and wrapped the wick with foi up since my last wick ended up all droopy after the hairdryer.

It worked okay but was time consuming :sad2:

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Make a new candle with the amt of dye you are used to using and burn the bad one yourself. I just made a couple of candles this week and got more dye than I wanted, but they were testers:laugh2::laugh2:It happens. oh I would go to walmart and invest in a real heat gun (in the paint section).:yay:

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