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Pillar candles

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I bought 6 Pillar candles for all different makes. All tunnuled. I talked to a rep for one of the candle maker and they told me that pillars are meant to tunnel so that the candle gives off a colored glow(based on the color of the candle.

Does that sound right?

Right now I use 140mp wax and a 24 ply flat braid wick(it does need triming after a long burn even though some people suggeste trimming should not be needed ever on flat braided wicks, however if i don't trim the flame will get large and start to soot). The flame is about 1 to 1 1/2 inche in height the candle does burn down fairly evenly but If I go o 21 ply I will definately tunnel and it would produce a nice glow... When I think about it there would be no point in having a red candle since at night there would be no way to tell what the color is.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Gbhunter
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If you are using soy or palm, you could tunnel burn it to leave a shell because they are brittle waxes and you can't hug them. But, if you wick it just right, the shells on both will slowly melt from the heat of the wick the further down they burn.

However, with my beeswax and my parasoy pillars, the thin shell can be hugged and burn complete right to the bottom. :cool2:

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So I use 24 ply flat braid wick 140 mp parafin no additives except color and 2 tbs of stirene per pound,and I get a 1 to 1 and a half inch flame...closer to 1 inch actually.

I dont get sooting unless the candle has been burning for a long time (4+ hours) at which point i just snip the wick and everything is great.

I get people telling me that I should not have to snip the wick. Does that mean I should wick even further down.. These are 3" pillars so If I go to 21 I think the candle will start to tunnel. Any advice?

BTW I have tried the 132 mp and did not like it at all.

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I use flat braid for my parasoy pillars and always trim the wicks if they need it. As my pillar burns past the 1/2 way point, the wick usually doesn't need trimming as much. You can try the 21 ply, just to compare with the 24 ply and if it doesn't work, melt it down and rewick.

I take what other's say works on their candles with a grain of salt, not absolute fact! :cool2:

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