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Tapioca startch-anyone know......


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if you can buy this at the grocery store or health food store?

I was looking at WSP's site, and they have a product called Natrasorb Bath, for bathsalts etc. that you add the fragrance to the natrasorb and it creates like a pocket to hold the fragrance and then it's supposed to adhere to the salts, and then then when placed in the bath it melts and releases the oils it's holding.

But when I read the ingredients, all it is is tapioca starch, so I'm wondering if you can just buy that locally or if anyone knows anything about it?

WSP wants $10 a lb. for it, and that seems quite pricey to me especially if I can get it locally maybe??

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Natrasorb is a modified wheat starch used in high-load oil products whereby one wants to control the greasiness and/or a matte finish is desired (makeup, oil-control powders, etc.).

Natrasorb Bath is a modified tapioca starch. It is hydrophilic which means that once it is in contact with water it dissolves, releasing/dispersing the oils. It is commonly used in bath powders, bombs, talc.

Edited to add: Natrasorb Bath and the tapioca starch you can purchase in the store are also two different things. As a comparison: NB is like refined table salt and tapioca starch is like rock salt. They feel different and there is definitely a difference in how they perform in your B&B products.

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