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Soy Experiences + Air Bubbles!

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Hello folks,

I've recently started experimenting with soy. While I'm not new to candle making in general, but soy is a new beast all together. Years ago I used to produce some beautiful candles with J50, but am interested in staying as natural as possible now. Have poured multiple batches of small container candles with both Xcel and GB464. Used CS's very vanilla, CS ivory dye, and ECO/LX wicks.

My experiences with Xcel have been excellent in terms of adhesion, no frosting, with slightly "crinkled" tops, with very light scent throw, even with generous FO load. Actually had some slight bleeding/sweating occur on top of the candles when exposed to warmer/humid areas. Some air bubbles noticed while burning.

My experiences with GB64 have been a bit worse. Adhesion was great overall, however frosting was prevalent at multiple pour temps, even heated jars and slushy pour temp yielded speckles on the sidewalls of the container. Scent throw was fairly light again, regardless of FO load. Tops were decent, but eventually fell in after test burning due to what appears to be an insane amount of air bubbles!

My main concern is the air bubbles! I never had this problem with paraffin. I pour at lower temps, 100-110(464) 120-130(Xcel), and try to maintain an even cooling rate and steady room temperature around 70-75. I pour slowly and stir slowly/gently in between pours. Never once have I actually seen an air bubble in my pitcher or in the candle as it is setting up. Simple problem, but I could definitely use some advice on resolving it.

I greatly appreciate everyones time and reading this post, I know its probably another echo of all the soy posts but I have not seen much concrete advice on addressing this issue.



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Our experiences with candle making is almost dead on with yours. We aren't new to candlemaking either, (we also used J-50 with awesome scent throw...dang...I miss that!). We too tested GW464/Very Vanilla from CS/Ivory Dye and ECO wicks. With regard to air bubbles, we poked "relief" holes to allow the bubbles to come to the surface. That helped. But, I still hate the aweful look of GW464. No matter what we did...it just didn't help. We just poured quite a few batches of EcoSoya Advanced and put them next to the GW464 and the CB Adv almost look like paraffin. They are beautiful. Just wish the scent throw was stronger.

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