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Private Label Candle Help

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I have a couple of stores interested in private label candles. What information am I legally required to put on my label? I put on all the basic info i.e. warning label, net weight, fragrance... What about the manufactured info? Do I put "Manufactured for Gift Shop" Instead of "Manufactured by The Germantown Candle Co." and not put any of my business contact info on there? And do I put their contact info in place of my own? This website has been a life saver! Thanks everyone!

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You can put your contact info on your warning labels. For example:

ABC Candle Company

Anytown, USA 12345

16 oz Candle/Net Wt. 14.5 FL OZ

Up to you if you want to add your phone or website addy to the label. Then they can have any scent label they want to use. If they want you to make them labels with their own company name, logo, etc., be sure you get reimbursed for your time doing the artwork.

I won't sell any candles that do not have the minimum candle manufacturers (me) contact info on the warning label. When they ask why ask them if they want to be liable for the candle. That always stops them in their tracks.

Sometimes you can just make them scent labels with the words: made exclusively for Main St. Gift Shop by ABC Candle Company, Anytown, USA.

I have an account with a winery that does private label with their own scent labels but I sell them with my warning labels on the candle bottoms with my contact info.

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