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I received an email last week from someone who had purchased one of my candles at the craft fair in November. She said she LOVED it and ordered three more. I realize that to many people a sale of three candles is no big deal ... but it really made my day to know I had a repeat customer from a craft fair. It just feels good to know that all that hard work is finally paying off.

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i know exactly how you feel, i did a flee market the other day, after all my expenses and selling 2 candles i make 5.00. but from that 5 i already made a couple hundred from an office she works at that wanted my candles. i am going back a third time tomorrow.


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from my marketing background i understand that every one of your customers who love the product will tell a further nine others.

it's not just a candle that you sold, it was your company, its potential and the quality etc. congrats! :)

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Great job! Even though it's a small order, doesn't it make you feel great to get an order no matter how small or how large it is. I know with myself, I'm not into doing shows or set up in stores (wholesale accounts) but it always makes me feel so good when I get someone that has bought from me before and loved it so much that they returned and want more. I figure it's alittle $ in my pocket and it makes someone else happy. Portia

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