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My mold is on crack, and it has monkey brains in it...


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I did my first batch of CPOP, and my mold started pulling away on one side. The final product looks like monkey brains, and it does have some tiny bubbles (like somebody in another thread had too). It's been 24 hours since the soap has been poured in the mold. If I press lightly on the soap (to test for hardness), my finger gets oily from the soap. So is this how it all supposed to look like? Comments, suggestions, anything...

(the soap is 50% olive, 30% coconut, 20% palm)



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I think your soap looks great! :-)

I may have been the one that mentioned the bubbles. I made a batch of regular CP soap the other day and had some extra that wouldn't fit in the mold, so I poured it into a silicone mold and put it in the oven. (My oven is always warm because it is a gas oven. ) I let it sit in there for a few hours and it didn't get any bubbles. I am thinking that maybe it was too hot before. Could this be the case with yours?

Is it still oily? I know that mine was oily right after I took it out as well, but it seemed to dry out over time.

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It's common to get some crinkling with CPOP. Looks like it came out good.

As far as the oiliness on top, the soap probably separated just slightly. Recipes with a lot of olive (or liquid oil) saponify more slowly and might have time to do that before they firm up. You could try bringing it to a thicker trace to give it more of a head start before pouring. I'm guessing the trace was relatively light judging by how flat the top is.

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