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Scent throw of CB XCEL

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I have tried the cb adv in the past and was disappointed in the hot throw so I switched to the cb 135. I am thinking of trying the new cb xcel.

A search of the posts here regarding the xcel has shown mixed reviews.

For those of you that have tried the xcel, was the hot throw noticeably better than the adv?

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It's been a long time since I tried the CBA so I can only go by what I remember. IMO, the HT of the Xcel is better.

It sets up very nice, takes color well and the CT with the FO's I tested was spectacular. The HT was good and did well in the rooms I burned them in. I couldn't find a wick that gave me a spectacular HT without burning too hot. I tested CD's, CDN's and Eco's. The eco's did the best. However, I HATE waiting for the candles to cure so I started the test burns after 46 hours so that may have made a difference.

The FO's I tested were from CS. I've moved on to retesting other waxes and blends but I haven't ruled it out completely. Hope this helps.

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I used to use Advanced but was fed up with poor HT and inconsistent quality of the wax. One lot would be great, the next would be horrible. I tried a sample of X-Cel in March/April and the candles looked great, and the HT was OK (after Advanced HT can only get better!). Better HT, a higher melt point for the summer months and their "blueprint" blah blah made it seem like there would be better consistency between lots, so I decided to order a large quantity. Well what a mistake that was. Immediately after pouring, the candles look great, but after a couple of days curing and once the candles are subjected to temperatures above 82-83 degrees, massive MASSIVE bleeding. :mad: The tops are absolutely awful looking and non-saleable.

I contacted NGI and their reply was simply that my FOs aren't compatible with X-Cel. (These are the same FOs that I used with Advanced at 3-8% and never an issue.) They offered no other suggestions, because as they see it, their wax is perfect and any issues are to be blamed on everything BUT their wax. I tried some FOs that they list on their website fragrance program that they say tested well in X-Cel. Those bled just as much as any others. Well I cut the FO load to 3-6% and added Vybar 260. This helped, but didn't eliminate the bleeding. I'm afraid that if I cut the load any more, I'll be back at square one - no HT.

After the poor performance of their waxes and poor customer service, I'm dropping NGI and switching to another wax that I've been testing under all the same conditions and have been performing beautifully without Vybar and the HT is better than X-Cel.

I've noticed that there haven't been any reviews of X-Cel on distributor website and wonder if their getting kickbacks from NGI to eliminate negative reviews.

Sorry to be so negative, but I don't want anyone else to go through what I am. :angry2:

Has anyone else experienced bleeding with X-Cel? If so, what did you do to resolve it? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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