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If you could only have one book on soap making...


Recommended Posts

-Smart soapmaking-Anne Watson

-Everything soapmaking:Alicia Grosso

-natural soap book or soapmakers companion both by Susan Cavitch

I KNOW you asked for one book..but any one of those will NOT disappoint :)

but of course theres alot of resources online!

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-Smart soapmaking-Anne Watson

-Everything soapmaking:Alicia Grosso

-natural soap book or soapmakers companion both by Susan Cavitch

I KNOW you asked for one book..but any one of those will NOT disappoint :)

but of course theres alot of resources online!

Oh my, there is definately a lot of information online! I sarted reading/watching, and pretty much got lost. There is so much cortradicting information, like one person says, "do not blend", yet others say, "use the stick blender", some people say the temperature should be 80 degrees, other say it's 120 degrees, and everything in between and beyond; cover yor molds, don't cover your molds... I thought I should just pick one person's method and stick with it for now. I am sure I'll end up owning at least 3 soapmaking books, becuse I like different perspectives on the same subject.

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I know I recommended Smart Soapmaking, because that is the ONE I would choose for a beginner, if they could only have ONE. That being said, the other suggestions were good as well. I love Alicia Grosso's book, any of Sandy Maine's are great (the pictures are beautiful), the Susan Miller Cavitch books are wonderful. I still buy soaping books, just because. Although the internet is a font of information, it's also a font of misinformation (unless you are using a site provided by tried and true soapmakers like millersoap.com or the sage etc). Lastly, even though a recipe is in a book, don't forget to run it through a soap calculator. Typos can and do happen.


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I had a coupon to Borders so I got the "Natural Soap Book" by Susan Cavitch; then I went to Half Price Books today, and got "Soapmakers Companion" for $6.98, and it's brand new - score! :yay:

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soap maker's companion --susan miller cavitch,thisbook goes deep into soap making including the chemistry and the oils and butters used, also has recipes for testing scents and oils for a bar at a time(I love that) great recipes in a varity.

my other most favorite is................

the everything soapmaking book --alicia grosso

I love love the recipes for cp and hp even melt and pour.Easy reading .Down to earth.Worth the money.:yay:

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