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Ecosoya PB votives

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I have been testing and testing and i'm wondering if I am being too particular so i'm going to ask all of you.

I tried some different wicks in my votives and have found some that didn't work at all but I have had some luck with an Eco 4 but here's where i'm torn...I start my test burn and i'll get some guttering maybe 30 minutes into the burn but as it burns longer it seems to straighten out and then i'll have a full burn pool and as it burns more it seems to burn even and normal.

How picky should I be? I want to sell these so i'd like to stop the guttering all together but I can't seem to totally get rid of it.:confused:

Anyone else have this problem?

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I am new to candle making, and this is the first wax i have used, and it seems that some of my first votives had your issues. I stepped up my wick size a little bit, and things got a lot better. I am not using the Eco wicks, but have had great results with HTP 73's , zinc 44-42-18, and a cottoncore 51-36-18. Some of the recogmended wicks for votives with this wax are the lx 12 and 14, which I am going to try soon.

I'll have to say to just keep testing till you get it right.Seems like your almost there :)Its a pain in the butt, but worth it in the end :yay:

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  • 2 months later...

I noticed the post is a couple of months old, but wanted to post anyway. We use that wax for our votives and we tested several wicks as well. We tested HTP 73's, CD5's and LX14's. All worked well for us...depended on the fragrance oil. CS's wick guide also recommends the LX 14

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  • 1 month later...

Made 6 testers this morning. 16oz, CS rainwater 1oz pp, 4 drops blue. I used the smoke color polycarbonate votive molds, 2 w/wickpin, the others I want to use a drill bit very small (I know it sound crazy):laugh2: but the tops usually come out better with no wick pin, and I can center the hole better want to see if they will crack or not. It works good with starburst.

I have lx14, Cd4, Cd5 wicks to test. Thanks for the heads up.

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