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Anybody stockpiling wax? I can't help but think that the oil spill and BP being the largest producer of petroleum in the United States that maybe things are gonna get rough. It's off season and wax is gonna be cheaper I know but how much cheaper? I sure would like to hear some feedback about future business thoughts and ideas.


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I'd start stockpiling when you see gas price start rising by 10 cents a day ... then again, by then it may be too late.

It's a tough call, but I think things are going to stay a little steady throughout the summer months, especially since this oil catastrophe isn't going to be solved soon nor is it going to be cleaned up any sooner. But when it is, we're going to pay for it. So far the price of gas here has held a little steady. Still too high for my liking, but it's steady.

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I read an article discussing the use of soy wax, veggie oil and beeswax were used to break up oil spills in the past. I guess better safe than sorry when you can't buy a case of wax at all. I sure don't want to be one of those people who scares everybody up but I just couldn't help wondering how this is gonna work out. Thanks for the good feedback guys. Wish some industry folks would talk but I guess that would be insider information..lol.


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Anybody stockpiling wax? I can't help but think that the oil spill and BP being the largest producer of petroleum in the United States that maybe things are gonna get rough. It's off season and wax is gonna be cheaper I know but how much cheaper? I sure would like to hear some feedback about future business thoughts and ideas.


Funny thing you mention this. One of the major reasons my girlfriend and I got into soy, was the price of paraffin for us locally. We are hobbiests, not in this as a business, but the cost for a 50 lb case of soy was under a dollar a pound, and in comparison the local sellers were selling parafin for over 85 dollars for the 55 pound box of slabs.

When it comes to it being a hobby, parafin to soy wasn't really a big deal, and now after we have been doing soy for a little while, we would never go back.

Not for the crazy yahoo soy is better vs paraffin reasons, but just because it's cheaper, there wasn't any black soot for my ceiling, it cleans up with soap and water (and a stiff scrub brush), and oh did I mention it was cheaper. :)


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It's not about that. The price of shipping is tied to the price of oil. If shipping goes up then the distributor passes that on to the customer, hence all our waxes will increase in cost. That is why Scented is watching the price of gas. The price ususally goes up in the summer but comes down after Labor Day but this year the price did not increase dramatically. Soy is tied to crop yield and shipping. A good bit of candle wax, glass jars and other items are made in China.

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I remeber when 9/11 happened all the gas stations raised their prices to near the 5$ level even though no oil infastructure has been destroyed. The people that are going to cause your gas price to rise are stock market speculators. Also when I said its not a big deal I was not reffering to the damage that the oil will do just to it impact on overall world oil production. The only way I can see the price of wax(parafin) going up is if the fed put in place some insane penalty for spills...You know whos going to pay that penalty...we are.

Edited by Gbhunter
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I'm just going to start doing it to save money in the long haul.. it costs me between $25-$35.00 to ship 50lbs of wax from Denver (closest supplier) to SLC Utah. Add in another case, and 10-15 cases of jars each order, and I'm paying between $50-$200 for shipping alone.

I'm just sick of it.. I'm going to start driving to Denver twice a year and buying as many cases of jars, wax, and whatever else I can fit in my truck. Even with the 6-7 hours on the road its worth it, and I get to spend the night in Denver and thats a fun city to waste some hours in... I'd much rather put that $200 shipping into my gas tank than pay UPS to get it to me in 6 days instead of 24 hours.. and then I have enough wax to last me through a season. Thats the idea anyways...

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This will never happen but... I would love a global candlemakers strike in protest of the wax price gouging! Wax prices never dropped when gas did but they sure go up and up.Still scratching my head on Candles and Supplies jumping the highest when the wax is manufactured a few miles away at IGI. Every candlemaker could hold out on buying ANYTHING until prices come back down to where they should be. A girl can dream but it would never happen.

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