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general tart question


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I understand that the temperature to add FO greatly affects the throw of a tart, but does the temperature that you pour at impact the throw, or only the appearance? I only make these for myself so I havent been too concerned about the pouring temperature but thought I should double check with the experts.


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I am by no means an expert, I am very new at this myself. But, my understanding is that pour temp doesnt affect scent throw, only how the product sets up. I believe just the temp at which you add fo affects how the oil binds/blends w/ the base product, and there are varying opinions about which is better, higher or lower temps. I add my fo around 160-170 now, I used to add at a little lower temp, but I got impatient and more of the literature out there seems to say better to add at higher temp, so thats what i do. Hth, :)

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Thanks for the feedback both of you. I actually thought that adding the FO when the wax was above the flashpoint could potentially cause a fire but I didnt think in terms of it burning off the scent.

Typically I have been adding my FO at about 185 or so. If I have an FO (banana nut bread) that has a flashpoint of 136, then should I let the temp of the melted wax cool back down to 136 before adding the FO? Actually this is the first FO that I have received with a fp lower than 200 so I am glad you mentioned that Ecco.


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