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Crafters Choice SP Wax from WSP


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I had tried the sp wax a few months ago for containers and I wasn't all that impressed with it. 6006 works much better for me.

As far as tarts for this wax it may be ok to use but most likely a bit too soft unless maybe you added some parrafin or palm wax to harden it up a bit.

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Ok, so I ordered this wax based on the reviews of the WSP website (before posting here) and wow is it soft. So now my dilemma... I only make tarts and this is still kind of new for me and still learning about the different types (now I know what they mean by "container" wax.. ha ha...). Well I do not have any palm or straight paraffin.

Has anyone used this wax straight for making tarts and if so, how did it turn out?


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You can probably make tarts out of it and should get a decent throw but it probably won't pop out of the molds very easily unless you put them in the freezer for maybe 5 minutes just to harden it up to pop them out.

Since 6006 is similar(but way better imo) and I had some leftover wax from pouring candles I would pour what I had left in some silicone molds. They had a great throw but they were way too soft and slippery but I only used them for myself.

Your best bet for making tarts is a wax made for votives and pillars such as Ecosoya pb. CandleScience has good prices and way cheaper shipping prices than wsp.

I honestly don't understand all the great reviews for that wax and that was the very same reason I had bought it last year before this whole shipping included increase stuff.

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Yeah I would not use it straight. I would order some votive or pillar wax and mix it with that container wax. I would probably use 70% or so votive/pillar wax and the the other 30% container wax. I have been using 70% 4794 (votive wax) and mixing it 30% soy container wax and getting awesome results in my tarts.

Just in case you order some, with 4794 I get it out of the molds easier if I pour around 150.

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thanks for the suggestions. I only make tarts for myself so I dont mind if they are soft as long as the throw is really good. I will play around with it and see what happens but I am always on the lookout for my next wax order so may give the 4794 or 6006 a try.

I am still learning as I go about the differences in wax (container, pillar, votive etc.) but getting the idea pretty quick. All of the info on the site is so helpful so thanks everyone!

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Ok, so I made a couple of batches of tarts with this wax straight just to see what would happen. I used a silicone mold and slipped out fine (after putting in the freezer). One FO had zero scent throw after 3 days so I threw it out. The other one is pretty good but now the melted disc will not slip out of the warmer even after putting in the freezer for quite a while. I had to re-melt the wax and pour it in the trash.

I am trying to see if I could mix this WSP wax with something I have in stock to avoid more shipping charges from another supplier at the moment (I will probably order some 4794 eventually). But for now I only have some EZ-Soy and KY Parasoy blend in stock. In your opinion, do you think mixing the WSP with either of those waxes would help to firm it up? I was thinking more the KY since it has some paraffin in it whereas the ez-soy is soft too? Or what about if I went to Michaels and picked up some Stearic (is that what it is called)? What would you do if you only had those options? Or should I just stick with my ezsoy & KY and ditch the WSP container wax until I get some 4794?

Thanks for your suggestions!!!

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I tried the SP from WSP, still have quite a bit left. Tried it straight, not impressed with the throw at all, even after curing for days. Mixed it with 4786 for easier release and hoping it would improve the scent - no go. Mixed it with my beloved from The Candlesource, but found it only took away the great throw I almost always get from using the Candlesource wax... Candlesource's got me spoiled :laugh2:

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