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Soap on a rope...


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I am thinking of making soap on a rope. I plan to cut a PVC pipe up into single size sections for the molds. I am going to drill a small hole in the side of each pipe section. I will take a length of string and fold it in half, run the ends through the whole, tie the ends in a knot and fold the knotted portion of the string out the top. Then I will put soap in the mold half way, flop the knotted portion back into the mold and fill the mold the rest of the way with soap.

I am not sure how to lubricate the pipe so I will be able to get the soap out once it is done.

I'm also not sure if this will work at all. If anyone has done this or something similar before please tell me if it makes sense.

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I make soap on a rope quite often with M & P. I also make loofah soaps, using pvc pipe, and its hard to get them out, even with freezing. If your using M & P, its much easier to find a cup, or something else to mold with other than the pvc. I finally had to get hubby

to get my loofah out of the pvc. Doesnt help when I have NO patience. Good luck to you.

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