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Thanks to all that helped with the persimmon color. I was able to match David's Bridal persimmon exactly and the bride was thrilled. But gosh! these wedding colors are driving me nuts this year!:shocked2:

Now I've got a bride and her mom that want a Tiffany blue - like the color of Tiffany's box or bag. Any mixing suggestions for that color? To me, it's more of blue/green color (I'm looking at a bag right now), and I'm seeing more green than blue. These weddings are making me color blind!:tiptoe:


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Now I've got a bride and her mom that want a Tiffany blue - like the color of Tiffany's box or bag. Any mixing suggestions for that color? To me, it's more of blue/green color (I'm looking at a bag right now), and I'm seeing more green than blue. These weddings are making me color blind!:tiptoe:


I agree that it's more on the greenish side of blue. Maybe try mixing an aqua or a teal with a seafoam green? Seems like I've seen a seafoam dye block somewhere, maybe CandleChem since I've bought most of my dyeblocks from them through eBay. I like the dye blocks for mixing custom colors since you can shave little bits to keep adding until you get it right. Good luck though! :)

[Edited to add] Yep, CandleChem has a Seafoam Green French dye block, so does Candle Science, it might even be the color you're looking for. If not, I'd definitely try adding some of it to the aqua dye chips already recommended.

Edited by mzpickles
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