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Giving it another try

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A few years ago I decided to give candles a try. I went into it full blast, reading I could deciding on a wax to try, buying wicks and not being able to get enough FOs to try.

I loved the making candles part, the peacefulness of being in my shop ( basement) the smell of the FO's the pouring itself. When it came time to test I got my first real taste or reality,lol. Couldn't get my wicks to work, they where always either too big or too small and no matter which ones I tried I could not get it right. Some scents I got lucky with the throw but very few, and even then the wicks didn't burn right. Id either get full melt pools in an hour or with the next wicks size down get weak flames that would fizzle out. I started trying different brands of wicks, and wax I spent the better part of a year and gave up not because I didn't enjoy it but because it just seemed useless. These waxes, FO's and wicks worked for others so it just to be because I didn't have what it takes to do this. I made tarts and wickless for myself and that was it. I never could bring myself to buy candles anymore. Every once in awhile I would pour candles again and end up giving up from frustration.

When gb 464 came out I gave it another try this time dreaming of someday having my own candle company. Picked a name and hit it full blast again and after a long summer gave up again. Played with bath products and enjoyed it and still do. But the truth is I really want to do this right. At this point I have no dreams of selling. I just miss making candles. So I'm back again, this time with no expectations of a candle business, I just want to do it for the love of the hobby itself.

All my old notes have been lost and that's ok with me I feel like starting over from scratch is the best way to go. So I got my shop all cleaned up and ready to go and Tuesday I poured my first new test candles and started writing in a new notebook. Still giving 464 a try, starting out with eco wicks.What i plan on doing differently is taking my time, recording everything and keeping my foot firmly planted in reality.:smiley2:

Edited by dixiegal
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Good luck dixiegal. It is frustrating when you can't get a candle to burn properly. I believe we have all been through that. Keep reading this forum as there is a wealth of info her and plenty of people to help answer your Qs.

Thanks candybee I'm excited to be trying again.

Quick suggestion:

Try CD wicks w/ 464. We've had luck with these.

Also, if you need to firm it up, add a second wax to the blend.

Thanks for the suggestion on a wick I'll be sure to give it a try and let you know how it worked for me.

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