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Newbie Question on Pillars

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Well, I tried my first soy pillar and it was a disaster. I am using Ecosoya PB in a 3in. mold.

Then I slowed down and have been getting better, but I have a question or two if you would be kind enough to help.

1) That first pillar is a no show, so can I melt it and re-pour it again?

2) How many times should I need to punch holes and repour with the soy wax?


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Yes you can remelt the pillar to reuse the wax. While your wax is cooling in the mold you want to punch several holes in it to release air pockets. I use a chop stick and punch about a half dozen holes in mine around the wick. You want to go down deep into your candle to make sure you get as much air pockets as possible. Then you can do a repour to fill up the holes.

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Are you asking how many holes or how many times to punch the holes? I usually punch around 4-6 holes or more around the wick. I may repunch the same holes again maybe once or twice just to make sure I got all the air pockets.

It just takes some practice. Once you have a few made and tested them you will have a better idea about relief holes for your particular pillar making.

If you have ever had a test candle flame suddenly flicker and go out because of a hole around the wick you will know to punch more holes around the wick. Wax tends to shrink around the wick. Not saying you won't get air pockets is other places. I tend to get most of mine around the wick so I punch relief holes accordingly.

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