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im new....just lit my first candle with peaks fo

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hi i'm new. i have been reading and reading after a few failed attempts at this candle thing. i thought it would be something easy and fun to do with my 5 year old...a new hobby. quickly realized that starting at the local craft stores and buying yaley supplies was my first mistake:angry2:(after reading..lol)

anyway. read up on here....and decided to order a sample pack of fo's from peaks. we have made one batch with the fruit slices scent....just lit the candle after 2 days of cure....can't smell it yet...but am really hoping that i didn't just dump another 30 dollars down the drain! this simple new hobby is quickly becoming expensive and disappointing as i learn how difficult it really is!!! wow!! just want to say GO CANDLE MAKERS.....you all are amazing for figuring it out! :)

thanks for having me and i hope that with these new fo's i will get the results i want and will be hanging around and learning or else this may be the end of the road for me.

happy smelling


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Peak's Fruit Slices is a good scent. What type of wax are you using, what temperature did you add the scent, etc? And, as you realized, this is not a weekend project or a family fun project, it takes some work and reading up, but can be a very enjoyable hobby.

Have fun.

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I would also be really careful about having a 5-year-old there with you! Accidents can, and do, happen, and hot wax is nothing to mess with - not to mention the fact that some FOs smell good enough to drink (Peak's Cabernet Grape comes to mind...yikes does that one smell good) and 5 is still young enough to not be able to tell the difference. Heck, when my sister was 5 she drank Easter egg dye just because it was orange - even the fact that it was pure vinegar didn't detract her :laugh2:

Edited by ckelley116
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we got hot throw!!!!! smelled pretty good!!! i am not giving up hope.

soy wax from the craft store..yaley brand. i was told the brand of wax was ok and i already had it bought before the better fo's. same with wicks...yaley size medium for soy.

really this is just family fun for us...not looking to make a living or anything...but still am interested in a good product...as i do love candles!!! i am a stay at home mom and there is much to be learned in projects like these for kids....it is science in its finest!!! ;)

keeping the 5 year old safe. no worries. she helps us cook every night so i feel confident in her ability to stir some wax in a presto pot. lol....we are very careful. there will be no drinking of the fo's....lol. thanks for the tips though...makes one think!

Edited by julie22
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