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What color of beeswax....

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Hi, I know there are a number of chandlers who add beeswax to their soy and I was wondering if in those small percentages (3-5%) if there is much difference in the overall color if you use yellow or white beeswax? I color my candles.

I also blend in about 30% paraffin. SO you're wondering why I'm thinking about beeswax, right? :smiley2: I was thinking ahead to the summer heat, and maybe adding the beeswax would make the wax harder and more stable. Comments welcome!

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If it helps I only used the white pellets. The pellets are easier to weigh and measure and you don't have to cut off chunks of a block of beeswax. I colored my candles so I also didn't want to worry about the yellow having any effect.

But once I started blending my soy with parrafin I quit using beeswax. My candles don't melt in the summer and the beeswax was unnecessary with my parasoy blend. Its also an extra expense I didn't need anymore.

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I have used both yellow and white pastilles as an additive to soy-based wax. The yellow made no difference whatsoever in the coloring (even with uncolored candles) because it is extremely pale. With the small amount used as an additive (1-2 Tablespoonfuls PP), it just doesn't cause a discernible color difference. I dunno if the melt point of the pastilles is the same as slab beeswax, but the manufacturer's info should be able to provide the answer. HTH :)

once I started blending my soy with parrafin I quit using beeswax

I agree with your logic - if using paraffin raises the MP of the wax blend enough to prevent softening in higher temps, the beeswax is simply another expense. If you are trying for a candle made without petroleum-based wax, then the beeswax would replace the paraffin. I don't see any advantage to using both...:)

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