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For those who stuck out the year ...


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My sales have actually tripled from last year. Profit though isn't where I would expect it to be, mainly because I went a little crazy with the farmers markets and should have bailed some of the slower markets so my expenses were higher.

Also, because I had to place multiple orders to the US for additional supplies, my margins slipped due to shipping and customs. I *like* to place ONE order for the year, albeit a large one, but the customs isn't as painful.

Picked up 4 wholesale accounts, and hope to get more in the new year of course. Going to a wholesale crafters tradeshow, so I hope that pans out considering the table was almost $800. :shocked2:

I've also done the craft show circuit now and know which shows to drop and which ones to keep. I second the whole "larger isn't always better" mantra.

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Hi everyone! :wave: It's been a crazy busy year (which is why I dropped mostly out of sight here). I shifted my business towards the retail store end this year -- joined in with a group of other crafty women and formed a cooperative in Lafayette (about 10 miles up the road from where I live). The demands of staffing and supplying a store really cut into my ability to do any shows this year. I only did two... and the first was a complete and utter dud (long story there). It was so bad that the organizer offer a discounted rate for the 2010 show for those of us who want to sign up again.

Given that I spent absolutely zero time on marketing or paying any attention to my website I still did better this year than before - not by a whole lot - but like many of you I really tried to watch my spending and made a concerted effort to use up what I had (and actually inventory what I had more completely) before buying anything new.

It really helped that I nailed down some of my recipes to a state I really love (experimenting is all well and good but every time I changed a formulation I'd have to trash outdated labels and make new ones - that sucks!). I haven't expanded a whole lot... candles in 4 sizes (containers only), lotion, cream, bath salts in 3 sizes, milk bath in 2 sizes, scrubs in 2 sizes, some foaming hand soap and that's basically it (although I'm off and on again about including bar soap purchased from a local crafter). Since I'm in a store with such a wide variety of products that really reduced the pressure on me to do everything. I do what I do well and if they're looking for another type of product the chances are good that we carry that from someone else.

The good news is that I've found a nice consistent customer base up here and given that myself and my partners have figured out the business end of things a little bit better since we started I know that I'll be able to tackle more shows and advertising this year.

Kudos to every who has stuck it out! I'm seeing good things this Holiday season and am very hopeful for the opportunities in the coming year!

Edited by SpaceGirl
spelling - of course
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Thought I'd add a little something to this post. I remember a few years back, right after the holidays, I recieved quite a few calls from people who recieved my candles as gifts who wanted to buy more. Last year, January was soooo quiet, I only recieved two calls. This year, I've already recieved 5 calls in the last 4 days for orders from people who recieved my candles as gifts. I think that may say something about the economy. I feel quite positive about it. Hopefully, it keeps up.


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This year I had more sales, but I didn't do my yearly craft fair so I lost sales there--It was pretty even with last year as far as profits go. I'm getting to a point where school is taking up much more of my time and I am exhausted from work--so I am not even in the mood to make one single candle or bar of soap by the time I work all day and get my homework assignments done! I am seriously considering selling off some of my supplies and going the hobbyist route for a while. Once I get my degree I may pick up where I left off but right now it is killing me! LOL

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