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Crystal Brite PB palmwax

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No, they slid RIGHT out of the molds, and I only noticed a couple bubbles coming up to the surface while cooling. Sooooooo.... for testing, I did the relief "circle plunges" on one and nothing on another. When I dissected them both open this morning, I had zero air pockets in either of them. I poured at 200 and am using aluminum molds- I heated 2 and didnt heat the other 2, both came out with gorgeous crystal patterns. The leftover wax in my glass pouring pot even has a great pattern :cheesy2: I have to say I am extremely pleased with this wax and at a great price as well! I would definitely recommend.

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Did you use stearic acid or any other additives. I can't wait to get my wax and pour one candle with nothing in it. And cut it open to see if there are any air pockets without doing relief holes. Not having to poke relief holes will up the amount of candles I can pour in one day.

I used stearic and UV. Don't get me wrong, I would NEVER suggest not doing any relief at all. I still do to make absolutely sure that there is no air trapped, it is just much less vigorous a task with this wax. Definitely do some testing and you will see what I mean.

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Have you tried burning it yet? Just wondering about how it preforms. Like the idea of palm, but just thought I'd ask about burn. Thanks. Beth

Performs great once you get the wicking right :cheesy2:

If you still have a few strands of hair left after you have finally nailed it, all is good in the world.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I accidently forgot the stearic in the last batch I poured and there was just NO getting these suckers out of the molds. I finally had to take a heat gun to them and start over. I also noticed alot more bubbles, though I can't imagine how the 2 would be related...

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I had the same problem, Coco. I received my wax yesterday and set up two molds without a wick, scent, or dye. I poured one straight, and I put stearic acid in the other one. And just like you, this morning, the one with stearic would not come out of the mold. The one with stearic came right out and had air pockets toward the top of the pour. So, I am definitely going to do relief holes in this wax. I wish I still had the wax I used from Glory Bee. It came right out of the mold without using stearic. But they no longer sell it. I'm glad I did my two sample candles before I actually poured a candle for a customer.

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