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So I did it!!!


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I just hit the send order on my soap products. Got the base from Essentials from Catalina and Shea butter and bees wax from Bitter creek. Once the order gets here (or maybe this weekend) I will run and get the goats milk and dr. bronners from the health food store and run to the craft store to get a mold.

I'm actually really excited to get the stuff. I even have some left ofter soap that I got from a craft show earlier this year that I am going to haul out and use. These were supposed to be gift, but ended up not needing them. Now I will have something to compare too. Thanks everybody for your help through my research stage. Hopefully not too many questions once I start making it.:yay:

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my order came yesterday. I am SOOOOO excited. I am going to cut a small piece off to try it this afternoon without doing anything to it. Then it is going to be tested away!!! (as long as I like it)

My aunt just asked me today if I want to join her at the open house that she does every year (she makes jewlery). It is in December... That gives me 3 months to get it tested/perfected. I told her that I don't know if I will have everything ready by then. Do you even think it is possible?

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Congratulations, I started in M&P, it's alot of fun, I learned quite a bit from playing around. My advice, make notes on everything.... how much FO, the strength of the scent, colors and any bleeding, any changes you made and the result, pretty soon you'll have a binder full of your testing. You will be amazed how useful that info is for future products.

Have alot of fun and be sure to share photos of your products will us :)

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I just tried a little chunk of it and my hands do not feel dry like with my store bought soap!!! I have not even added anything to it yet. My order of shea butter and beeswax should be here this evening. Going to make my first bars sometime this week (before I leave for the holiday weekend).

I just love the idea how it makes my hands feel without additives since I was thinking about just doing color, fo and beeswax when/if I ever start making the fun shaped soaps (like animals and stuff)

Any suggestions on where to buy colorant. I was going to start dye free and then add color later. Of all the video's I watched on colors, I'm thinking about starting with either oxides or aquamarines. Eventually want to experiment with mica's since those seem to have a little bit of a shimmer to them.

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I know you are really excited about soaping and all, but in my humble opinion, 3 months is not long enough to determine whether you have a good/safe product. I made that mistake when I first started. A friend of mine was begging me for bath salts to put in her massage therapy office. I figured, "how hard can it be?" Little did I know that bath salts need to be packaged in nice air tight containers, not the little decorative bottles with loose cork lids that my friend wanted. So in no time, my bath salts had attracted moisture, gotten hard as a rock and then the oils went rancid. It made me look very unprofessional, and I was terribly embarrassed that some half-a$$ed product was out there with my name on it.

That was years ago, but now I'm secure knowing that anything I put my label on has been tried and perfected before it is offered for sale. I also carry business/liability insurance, because no matter how much I know or think my products are great, there is still the chance that a customer will think differently.

In the mean time, enjoy your new hobby, keep tons of notes and have fun!


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I know you are really excited about soaping and all, but in my humble opinion, 3 months is not long enough to determine whether you have a good/safe product. I made that mistake when I first started. A friend of mine was begging me for bath salts to put in her massage therapy office. I figured, "how hard can it be?" Little did I know that bath salts need to be packaged in nice air tight containers, not the little decorative bottles with loose cork lids that my friend wanted. So in no time, my bath salts had attracted moisture, gotten hard as a rock and then the oils went rancid. It made me look very unprofessional, and I was terribly embarrassed that some half-a$$ed product was out there with my name on it.

That was years ago, but now I'm secure knowing that anything I put my label on has been tried and perfected before it is offered for sale. I also carry business/liability insurance, because no matter how much I know or think my products are great, there is still the chance that a customer will think differently.

In the mean time, enjoy your new hobby, keep tons of notes and have fun!


With all due respect to you and your bath salt debauchery, I think three months is plenty of time to determine if you have a safe melt and pour soap product, especially if you are diligent in testing it yourself, and having others test it for you.

For some folks who are careless in the way they package, or in the additive process it could take longer, but 90 days is plenty long enough to know if your soap is going to set up, dry out or moisturize your skin, and whether or not the fragrance will linger or not. It will also be enough time to test several different additives for their properties and benefit or detriment to your soap, enough time to tell if the soap is going to need additional additives for hardening, moisturizing, etc.. Unlike CP soap, there is no necessary cure time.

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Thanks for your opinions on if 3 months is long enough or not. I know it will take work, but one nice thing about it being my aunt... i have up to the day off to decide if I'm ready or not. I tested my first last week and did not totally like how it turned out. I will be testing more this week now that I am back from the holiday weekend. I do like the aspect that I can pour one day and test the next. Unlike my candles that you do need to let cure for a week and then take hours of testing before you determine if that one is right now not. We will see how things go this week :smiley2:

Thanks for all of your help. My aunt gave me a goal date and I work best when I have a goal in mind.

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It's m&p--you can make it and test it the same day. It's not a complicated process, it's something kids can do. These are about the only things you can do wrong:

-add too much oil, which will make it soft and/or cut down the lather.

-use FO's/EO's that aren't suitable for use on skin

-heat it too much and make it brittle

The only dangerous one is using the wrong type of FO/EO (and I'm sure you're already aware of that one). So, other than that, it's only aesthetics.

Faerywren offers good advice, but in this instance it's extreme overkill.

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So, yes, my bath salt issue was definately a debacle.

It seems Rebecca has ordered quality supplies from reputable suppliers, so she shouldn't have any issues. It's morons who think they can use fragrance oil from the potpourri section at Wal-Mart in their b&b products that we have to worry about.

I don't remember if it was on this forum or on The Dish, but one lady was talking about a M&P party she had for her son's birthday and a few days later one of the moms tried to accuse her that the soap gave her a rash. Just saying, people are petty and ridiculous. Sometimes it helps to have time and experience on your side.


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