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Top 4 new fall/winter oils

carol k

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I'm just curious as to everyone elses top 4 new fo's you have found for fall/winter. Here's my top 4 that are absolutely awesome in gb415 soywax.

Backwoods---Gingerbread latte, 1oz. pp

Backwoods---pumpkin cappuccino, 1.5oz. pp.

Backwoods---honeyed gingerbread, 1oz. pp

Aroma Havens---Pumpkin creme brulee, 1oz. pp.

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I 2nd the Aroma Haven Pumpkin Creme Brulee. I just ordered a larger bottle that is coming tomorrow. Also love the Gingerbread Latte from Backwoods. Still have to try the Honey Gingerbread and Pumpkin cappaccino from Backwoods. I have samples of both and they are great OOB. New for me is Amish Harvest from Peak, which is not new to anyone but me probably. It is just okay-not my favorite.

#1 Pumpkin Creme Brulee AH/RE

#2 Gingerbread Latte BW

#3 Pumpkin Souffle CS New for me

#4 Cinnamon Buns Peak New for me

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Peaks French Vanilla & Amber (new for me) LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!

I also ordered a sample of Amish Harvest and oob to me...it kinda smells similar to Celtic Moonspice...anyone else think so??? I know I need to put it in wax for a final thought on it but I'm just saying......

Also I feel cheated...... as instead of getting a "new" scent as my "FREE" sample they threw in Country Garden, which to me is a Spring/Summer scent and were going into Fall/Winter scents????

I also added and LOVE GL Cranberry Orange Spice, nice and strong in my parasoy @ 1 oz pp.


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NG Pumpkin Crunch Cake

NG Autumn Harvest

NG Hot Fresh Toddy (They sent me an aroma bud with this on it - and I just want to chill out in my foyer)

NG Christmas Memories


These are at least new for us ... I haven't been making candles more than a year so im sure most of them are oldies (but goodies)


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I just started making candles in April 2009.:cheesy2:

We just made some new fall scents and these are my fav so far.

1. Cafe Caramel NG

2.Gourmet Dark Chocolate NG

3. Pumpkin Crunch Cake NG

4. Christmas Cabernet NG

But the older NG fall scents that I love are carrot cake, iced cinnamon buns, & BUTTERCREAM.

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I saw that a few of you guys like sugar corn pudding from KY. I ordered some because I placed an order and I need some new scents for the holidays. I feel kind of silly asking this but could someone tell me what sugar corn pudding is I have never heard of this before. Thanks

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I saw that a few of you guys like sugar corn pudding from KY. I ordered some because I placed an order and I need some new scents for the holidays. I feel kind of silly asking this but could someone tell me what sugar corn pudding is I have never heard of this before. Thanks

I had to Google it.. Never heard of it either!!

The only reason I got this oil because the sample was on sale.. :)

I would have never bought a sample of it with a name like that!! LOL

So am renaming this scent when I start selling it..

Here is an easy recipe for it, so you have an ideas what's in it..


3 tbsp. flour

1/2 c. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1 can corn

1 tsp. salt

2 c. milk

3 eggs

Dot casserole dish with butter and place in oven to melt butter while mixing pudding. Put all ingredients in the blender, mix all together and then pour in casserole dish. Bake one hour at 375 degrees.

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