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Adding cornstarch to make whipped wax ?

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I can't imagine the need for cornstarch! Maybe someone used it and it worked, but I've found that whipping regular votive and pillar wax is a breeze and I don't need to add anything to it (just did it yesterday to make 4 pies and had no problems).


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lol...thanks for the grins! after babysitting my own 3 year old and a 2.5 year old today for 11 hours I really needed some grins...

if anyone is intersted in checking out the site with the added cornstarch, you can check it out at


I dont know if i should be posting this kink so I i made a booboo, I apologize.

I have used cornstarch (or a variation) in my B&B products, but never thought to add it to wax. I did whip my own with out the cs and with the ease of it, i cant understand why anyone would need to add something to it...


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I too want to do the sand candles next year. It is a fairly good site. and very detailed. I like the pictures but one thing was missing. They didn't poke any relief holes that I saw in the pillars. Now that would be okay for the experienced candlemaker that would know that has to be done. But for a newbie they wouldn't maybe know to do that. I certainly learned a quite a few things on that website. I have never seen that site before. thanks for sharing.

Oh btw I would not use the corn starch either.

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