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Ecosoya PB wicking help please.

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i have searched on here and another forum about wicking votives and pillars in the Pb. i have seen some use lx 16, a customer service rep told me she used a cd 10 and 12 in her votives, another used cd 6-8 ect ect thats a pretty big range lol. right now my smallest is an htp 93 so i am testing that first before i order smaller wicks but i wanted to get a general idea of what everyone uses, and to be honest im not exactley sure how to test burn these, should i base my findings the same way as container candles ?

also for my pillars they are 4 x 4.5 i have read 4 in and over usually takes a cd 20.. im going to start my testing with a cd 12 and go from there. with pillars how much of an edge should i have remaining? is is 1/4, 1/2 inch ?

thanks in advance :)

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i was going to edit this but my time is up.. i wanted to say i am taking pictures of the test burns so i will be posting them here later. as of right now 2 hours into it, it is going well but i am already thinking i can wick down at least 1 if not more we will see how it goes as the glass gets more narrow :)

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ok bare with me i have lots of pics lol

here is the votive burn at 2 hours~ fmp in 1.5 hour glass is warm but i can hang on to it.



here it is at 4 hours~ glass warmer but can still hang on to it, mp 1/4 inch deep the other side is 1/8 inch deep with a little hang up thanks to the bending wick lol .. so i deff think i can wick down especially since the glass gets narrower its gonna be too hot.




now here is the pillar at 2 hours


and 4.5 hours


this was a cd 12, at 4 hours i had 1 inch on 3 sides and 3/4 inch on the side the wick curled to, mp was only 1/4-1/2 inch deep..

this deff has to be wicked up but im not sure how many

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Whoa. The votive's test period should be about 1 hour per inch of candle diameter. There should have been no 4 hour test at this time! That becomes a powerburn which should only be used as a "check" once you have determined the wick size you think is working best. Burn the candle at the prescribed intervals, allowing it to completely cool between each test period, trim the wick (if needed) and continue ALL THE WAY DOWN. THEN review your results and make decisions about wicking changes. Once you have your wicking dialed in with the precision testing, THEN you can do a powerburn to see if your candle will burn well under abusive conditions such as a customer might do. Do NOT mix the two types of testing!

I am assuming that's a 3" pillar. The melt pool in the first photo is not centered. When doing initial testing, you should keep the melt pool centered either by turning the candle, twisting the wick or poking the base of the wick to move it slightly to one side or another to even out the burn. Again, one hour of test time per inch of diameter! There isn't much one can ascertain from photos of ONE burn session. You have to burn these all the way down before you will really KNOW what they will do as the burning progresses.

One testing aspect that many folks omit is the RoC figure (rate of consumption). Weigh the candle before each burn and note how much wax was consumed by the wick during the previous burn. I have found this to be a valuable piece of data when trying to dial in wicking.

Testing should be precise or your results won't be worth a crap. You should have an idea of what you are testing for. You cannot expect to get accurate results if your tests are not conducted accurately! ;)

Read up on testing here... we've mentioned over and over that it is NOT necessary nor especially desirable to achieve FMP on the first test burn with soy and palm waxes. You cannot make any reasonable determinations after only one test burn.

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Thanks stella.. the pillar is 4 x 4.5 i kept turning the pillar doing the test and straightening the wick.. but i dont think the wick is 100% centered itself.

i have the votive burning again today, just about been 2 hours so i will be blowing it out. i was only going to burn it for 2 hours at first yesterday but i was thinking at that time the wick was way to big..

i never thought about weighing b4 and after burns.

the pillar has been burning for just about 4 hours again today and it has kept the same burn/tunnel.

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I think a CD 12 on a 4" pillar may be underwicked. I use CDN 12-16 on 3"ers and 16-20 on 4"ers...

Off-center melt pools are a PITA with CDs & CDNs. I twist my wicks to help compensate for this, but recentering or turning is still sometimes needed...

blowing it out

Do you know about dipping the wick to extinguish it? No smoke & a reprimed wick ready to be trimmed after it cools! :)

Keep us updated on how it's going. How's the hot throw on the votive & pillar?

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yeah i was thinking of trying a cd 16 and going from there on the pillar.. i have never worked with cdn's i am assuming the curl like the cd's do ?

i have tried dipping the wicks before but i end up breaking off pieces off the burnt wick into the melt pool lol (im clumsy)

im not even testing for the hot throw yet, i want to get closer on the right wick sizes then i will start testing, but i can tell ya my hubby has been craving cupcakes all weekend, im burning the pillar pink sugar chunks with buttercream cupcake. so i know it is producing a hot throw lol

i blew out the votive after 2 hours tonight and the container was so hot i couldnt keep my fingers around it more than a few seconds.

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Read up on CD (Stabilo) and CDN (Stabilo KST) here:


and here:


CDs & CDNs begin as exactly the same wick - CDNs (KSTs) are treated to resist oxidation caused by high acid content waxes (veggie waxes). CDNs seem to burn more efficiently in veggie waxes and this can make a slight difference in the size wick chosen between CD & CDN.

i have tried dipping the wicks before but i end up breaking off pieces off the burnt wick into the melt pool

Try pushing the wick further down toward the melt pool where the black part on the wick begins. A wick dipper helps - really ingenious little devices, but you can use nearly anything that's non-flammable (a bent paperclip comes to mind...). If you do break off a little chunk, just fish it out of the MP with the dipper. :)

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